Nine ways for water to be good for the body and seven ways to make it possible to drink Shiguwagu water
Even though there is an image that water is good for your body, there are not many people who know the reason clearly. The effects that we are going to put on the body are so diverse that we can not cover any supplements or health foods.
Although having a habit of drinking water every day is not easy, it should probably have taken water by some means, such as juice, coffee, tea, so it should not be impossible to drink water instead. Also, it is very important to consciously drink water because most of the people who live normally do not drink the necessary amount of water a day, they are unknowingly in a state of dehydration.
Details are as below.
9 Great Reasons to Drink Water, and How to Form the Water Habit - by Dumb Little Man
◆ Why water is good for your health
1: We lose weight

By drinking water instead of drinking drinking juice or carbonated drinks or alcoholic drinks, we help you lose weight because you do not have to take their calories. In addition, water has a function to suppress appetite. In addition, it seems that in many cases, many think that "I am hungry" is actually only thirsty.
2: Prevent heart disease

May 1, 2002American Journal of EpidemiologyAccording to the research published in the study, one who drinks more than 5 cups of water a day has a 41% lower probability of death due to heart disease than those who drank only 2 cups or less of water.
3: It prevents body from turning away

Even with a light dehydration state of about 1 to 2 percent of your weight, your strength declines and you feel tired. When you think "thirsty", you need to be careful as it is already in dehydration. Also, dehydration can lead to fatigue, decreased muscle strength, dizziness and other signs.
4: Stop headaches

A symptom caused by a dehydration state is a headache. When headache occurs, it may be triggered that not drinking enough water. There are many other causes of headache, but dehydration is one of the common causes.
5: The skin becomes clean

Water cleanses the skin. If you continue to drink a sufficient amount of water for a week, the condition of your skin will be better.
6: Help digestion

The digestive system needs considerable water to digest food, and it also helps to regulate stomach acid. Water added with dietary fiber also improves constipation which is often caused by dehydration symptoms.
7: Eject bad things from the body

Water has the role to help drain toxins and waste from the body.
8: Reduce the risk of cancer

We found that drinking water reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45% in relation to the effect on the digestive system mentioned earlier. It can also reduce the risk of bladder cancer by 50% and reduce the risk of breast cancer.
9: I can have good results in sports

If you fall into a dehydration symptom, the movement of a person may be slow, it may be difficult to lift a heavy thing, it may become a fatal injury for the athletic athletes. Water is essential for practice. Always supply hydration before practice, during practice, and after practice.
◆ Good intake of water
Older advice such as drinking 8 cups of water a day does not produce very good results. This "cup 8 cups" is calculated including moisture contained in meals etc. Also, the amount of water required changes depending on the weight of each person. Also, if you get sick or sports training, the amount you need will fluctuate.
It is too late because it is already dehydrated when you drink water after the throat dry. By saying that,Take a habit of drinking waterIt is important. Drink a glass of beer and go for a meal every time you have a meal, drink between meals and meals, drink before and after exercise so that you do not feel "thirsty" Let's drink it. The way to help such a habit is as follows.
1: carry a big bottle

Put water in a large capacity bottle, it is convenient to carry around. You can take the necessary water anytime and anywhere.
2: Set the timer

Please set the clock so that the alarm sounds every hour or set the timer on the PC. By doing this you can prevent forgetting to drink water.
3: Drink water instead of usual drink

If you are always drinking juice, please replace it with the same amount of water. When you have the opportunity to drink alcohol in a work related drinking party etc, you may consider taking a drinking water instead.
4: Use a water purifier

Instead of buying bottled mineral water, let's buy a water purifier and install it in the house. You can drink water at a lower cost than you buy PET bottle water.
5: to exercise

It is recommended because you will want nature and moisture when exercising. If you are not exercising for more than an hour, you do not need to drink a sports drink.
6: Take a certain amount of water

When exercising, let's drink water two or three hours before that. By doing this, moisture is supplemented to the body just for exercise time to express the effect. Also, let's definitely drink water even after it is over.
7: Record

By properly recording, you can be conscious of the habit of drinking water firmly, and motivation is also gained by continuing to realize. Every time you drink water it is a good idea to tackle notes by a simple method.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log