Dolone 'Aerones AD28' which can also clean windows of buildings and extinguish high-rise buildings by loading 200 kg of high-pressure water

The drone "Aerones AD28" which can actually lift 200 kg of luggage can clean the dirty windows of the building using a device capable of injecting water at high pressure, drop the ice on the feathers of the wind power generator, Is a large drone that can also be used for firefighting activities in skyscrapers, making full use of the ability to rise up to 300 meters in altitude.
Aerones Drone for High-Altitude Building Cleaning - YouTube
AD 28 is a large drone developed by Aerones, Latvia's startup. Compared with the man who is crouching along the aircraft, you can see its size.

When turning the 28 rotors (propeller) to lift that big body ......

The weight of cargo that can be loaded is 200 kg at maximum. If it is about human beings, it seems to be able to lift easily.

Actually, it has been proven in the past that we can hang humans with Aerones' drone. As described in the following article, Aerones' drones lifted a certain height while hanging humans, a challenge was held in which humans jumped off from a height of 330 meters and landed on a parachute.
The world's first challenge, "Drone jump from altitude 330 meters" succeeded - GIGAZINE

The difference between AD 08 and ordinary drone is that electric power is supplied from the outside. It seems that it is possible to turn a motor with a large power without being limited by the remaining battery power.

In the case of building cleaning, the cleaning solution to be sprayed is supplied by a hose extended from the ground. The cleaning solution can be injected at a pressure as high as 500 bar at the maximum.

Rollers are attached to the tip, and spray the cleaning liquid lightly while pressing the machine against the window of the building.

It is possible to correspond to a building with a height of up to 300 meters. Like the general gondola system, there seems to be room for improvement, as it seems that it is impossible to wipe off the washing solution remaining on the glass beautifully, and where the cleaning solution is likely to fall to the ground rapidly, but it is huge How to use unique drone seems to be found in such places as well.

In addition, Aerones' drone can be used not only for cleaning the outer wall of the building but also for various industries. Besides being utilized for dropping ice and dirt on the wind turbine for wind power generation as follows ......
It is said that it is expected to utilize the performance that can rise up to 300 meters to fire fighting of high-rise building fires as follows.

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