'Homework gap' of children who can not do homework because homes do not have PCs and high-speed internet is growing

by NESA by Makers

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Many children are reported that children can not finish their homework at home by incorporating PCs and the Internet into school education. Because such children are in low-income families, the problem that the difference between rich and poor is being expanded as "homework gap" has been pointed out.

Why Millions of Teens Can not Finish Their Homework - The Atlantic

School homework using PC etc is on the increase trend, and it was shown that 70% of teachers give homework requiring the Internet as of 2015, and in the survey of 2017 90% of high school students got a month We are reporting that we will do homework assignments using the Internet several times. 48% said they had done Internet-based homework on a daily basis in this survey.

However, 15% of American homes with student 's children can not use high - speed Internet at home. It is pointed out that such families are often found in low-income families and spread the disparity between wealthy children and poor children. On the other hand, concerned about the influence of digital devices on children, among the rich parents of Silicon Valley there is a movement to "return to education by human interaction and tree toy" among poor parents and middle class The future that only children can be raised by screens is also considered .

by Jelleke Vanooteghem

Also, according to the survey by Pew Research Center for 743 students aged 13 to 17, 17% of children know that they can not finish their homework because they can not use digital devices or high-speed internet. Such "homework gap" is particularly prominent in black children, one in four people can not finish their homework due to problems of technology environment, half of low-income children "sometimes" or "frequently" mobile phones It is said that he is doing his homework using. John Branam, who tackles the idea of ​​giving the child a high-speed internet environment at home, said, "The" natural and productive environment "for doing homework is to make the ability to demonstrate their potential, a big impact can be given a "lifelong says .

Major telecommunications carriers offer subsidies for low-income families, but this is not being used enough. Children who do not have sufficient environment to do homework on their homes will go to public libraries and places offering free Wi-Fi and do homework, but it takes 40 minutes each way to the public library by bus, There are many obstacles, such as having usage restrictions of 30 minutes or purchasing goods to use free Wi - Fi.

by Val Vesa

And Craig Watkins of the University of Texas at Austin said in a book named " The Digital Edge " that children who do not have enough digital environments in their homes have the purpose of "instructing teachers to give the digital environment on weekends" She knows how to form a "sharing economy" that will acquire human relationships and have the opportunity to cooperate with friends in a similar environment and share the device.

Mr. Watkins pointed out the "blind spot" that school representatives and policy makers are not understanding how digital gaps are due to their rich environment. "There is a hypothesis that if you gain access to technology, there is a hypothesis that you can build a better learning future, but this does not apply to everything," Watkins says.

in Note,   Mobile,   Software,   Hardware, Posted by darkhorse_log