Microsoft ranked in the top 5 PC makers in the United States, was the success of the Surface series fastest growing players

by Vernon Chan
In the PC market research report of the third quarter of 2018 by IT market research firm Gartner, it became clear that Microsoft became the top 5 PC makers in the United States for the first time in the United States. It is the first time that Microsoft ranked in the top 5 in the US as a PC maker, and it is believed that the success of Surface is in the background.
Gartner Says Worldwide PC Shipments Experienced Flat Growth in the Third Quarter of 2018 2018
Microsoft is now a top five PC maker in the US thanks to Surface - The Verge
Gartner announced that worldwide PC shipments in the third quarter of 2018 were approximately 67.2 million units, an increase of 0.1% compared to the same period last year. Image of the PC vendor ranking when viewed on a global scale is as follows. Both shipments and market share are ranked first in Lenovo, followed by HP, Dell, Apple, Acer and Asus. Lenovo · HP · Dell, the top three, both sales volume and market share are increasing compared to the same period last year, Apple, Acer · Asus is decreasing.

On the other hand, the image below summarizes PC shipment quantity and market share in the United States. With both Dell and Apple shipping units and shares declining, Microsoft has recorded a 4.1% share and has been bothered by the top five companies. It is the first time Microsoft has ranked in the top five in the US market as a PC vendor.

The Verge believes that the success of the Surface brand that Microsoft has deployed is the reason behind why Microsoft became the fifth largest vendor in the PC market in the United States. In October 2018, Microsoft announced new products such as Surface Pro 6, Surface Laptop 2, Surface Studio 2, and it is gradually stepping away the market share in the United States. In fact, Microsoft announced in the fourth quarter earnings announcement that "Surface revenue increased by 23%, or 27%, approximately 25%, as the best results of the latest Surface were lower than the previous year's low level "It is clear that the Surface is growing into a business of about 1 billion dollars (about 110 billion yen).
According to Gartner, although PC shipments in the US overall decreased by 0.4%, desktop PC shipments remained flat, with mobile PC shipments declining slightly compared to the previous year's sync about. Gartner's statistical target PC is "Machine with Windows or macOS" and does not include Chromebook or iPad. Gartner says, "Mobile PCs introduced in the field of K - 12 education in the US are now becoming mainstream Chromebooks, although Chromebooks are growing greatly, they are not included in the statistics of our PC market "I said.
Meanwhile, the same survey company 's statistics compiled the number of Chromebooks, PC shipments in the US in the third quarter of 2018 were 17.2 million units, 16% more than Gartner' s survey of 14.77 million units Numerous figures have been reported. In response, IDC evaluates that "the PC market in the United States grew further".
Neha Mahajan, senior research analyst at US Device & Displays said, "Despite concerns about CPU shortage, the PC market in the United States has been performing well, especially notebook PCs. The fact that the PC market in the United States is stable is due to the fact that Chromebooks are supplied stably for educational institutions and the increasing number of game users. "
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