A dwarf planet that revolves at the edge of the solar system at a distance more than twice the distance of Pluto is found
by Kevin Gill
It is thought that there is an unknown celestial body called " Planet X " which is said to be revolving orbits farther than Neptune in the solar system. Attempts to find such a planet X are done by astronomers all over the world and during the exploration there was discovered a dwarf planet that revolves on the orbit which is far away from the sun " 2015 TG 387 ".
New extremely distant solar system object found during hunt for Planet X | EurekAlert! Science News
Search for Planet Nine Turns Up Dwarf Planet at the Edge of Our Solar System - Motherboard
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/j 54 dzp/search-for-planet-nine-turns-up-dwarf-planet-at-the-edge-of-our-solar-system
2015 TG 387 is a dwarf planet that is also known as "goblin" because it was discovered around 2015 Halloween . 2015 The diameter of TG 387 is about 300 km and it is said that it will take about 40,000 years to travel around the sun.
The 2015 TG 387 observed at the time of discovery and the sun are about 80 astronomical units (AU: the average distance between the earth and the sun is assumed to be 1 AU). Even among the planets of the solar system, 30 AU of Neptune, which is farthest from the sun, Even compared to 34 AU of Pluto , which was once counted as the planet of the earth, it has more than twice the distance. Among its very long revolution cycles, it seems that 2015 was particularly close to the solar system.
2015 Dr. David Soren , astronomer at the University of Arizona involved in the discovery of TG 387, said, "2015 TG 387 is considered to have thousands of dwarf planets that revolve around the sun, It is very difficult to observe because the distance from the solar system is too far.2015 TG 387 was able to observe because it approached the sun considerably in 2015, but 99% of the revolution period of 40,000 years is observed from the earth We are far away so far that we can not do it. "
2015 TG 387 having an elongated trajectory as stretched means that it will not approach the sun at least to at least 65 AU. Researchers are studying the orbit of a dwarf planet like 2015 TG 387 orbiting the edge of the solar system, which is thought to be a major influence on the solar system far from the center of the solar system to Planet X I think that clues will be obtained.
The orbital simulation of 2015 TG 387 conducted by astronomer Chadwick Trujillo , who studies the outer periphery of the solar system, found that the orbital is stable when assuming the existence of an unknown planet X with a massive mass. "The interesting thing we learned from the results this time was suggested is the existence of a large celestial body that affects the orbit of the dwarf of the solar system," says Trujillo.
2015 Scott Shepard , astronomer at the Carnegie Institute , the discoverer of TG 387, said, "The dwarf planet that circles the edge of the solar system like 2015 TG 387 is a clue to guide us to Planet X." I said.
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