The most 'planet of the environment similar to the earth' in history is discovered in 12.5 light years

by NASA / Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics / D. Aguilar
The research team of the international astronomy project
The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs Two temperate Earth-mass planet candidates around Teegarden's Star
(PDF file)
We Just Found 2 of the Most Earth-Like Exoplanets Yet, Only 12.5 Light Years Away
The two planets 'Te Garden b' and 'Te Garden c' discovered this time are planets that orbit around 15.4 days and about 4.9 days of stars called ' Tea Garden Star ', which are present in Aries. The tea garden star is a star discovered in 2003, at a distance of approximately 12.5 light years from the sun, and is at least 8 billion years old. Its mass is only about 8-9% of the sun.

Unlike a star whose presence can be visually confirmed to emit light itself, the planet can only be confirmed by its spectral change when it crosses in front of the star. However, because the activity of the tea garden star, which is a red dwarf , is very calm and its brightness is quite dark, observation was extremely difficult. The CARNEMES research team has made precise observations of the tea garden stars for three years using a 3.5 m telescope and spectrometer installed at the Carralalto Observatory in Spain. As a result, the research team reports that the existence of tea garden b and tea garden c can be confirmed from more than 200 measurement data.
In the paper, the minimum mass of the two planets are both close to the earth, and if the composition contains a lot of iron and water, it is expected that their volume will be close to the earth. In addition, according to the research team, it is possible that the tea garden b, which orbits the inside of the two planets and is closer to the star, may have a warm surface environment with a temperature range of 0 to 50 ° C, around 28 ° C. about. On the other hand, the tea garden c that revolves outside has a surface temperature of about -47 ° C, which may be like a Mars-like environment.
'The two planets discovered this time are only slightly heavier than Earth, and belong to the Habitable zone where water can exist in liquid form,' said Mathias Tchemeister, an astrophysicist at the University of Georg-August, Gottingen . You are
The ' Earth Similarity Index (ESI) ', which represents the Earth as 1.00, 'How similar are the planets and satellites to the Earth' is 0.95 for Tea Garden b and 0.68 for Tea Garden c. In particular, Tea Garden b is considered to be the closest planet to any of the planets ever discovered.

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