AMD's ambitious project '25x20 initiative' that is '25 times more efficient in the six years to 2020' has been steadily achieving results

AMD announced the " 25 x 20 Energy Efficiency Initiative (25 x 20 initiative) " with its ambitious goal of "to 20 times more power efficiency in the six years to 2025" by semiconductor giant AMD. It was revealed that the interim report was issued by Mark · Paper Master CTO and continued to produce results to the extent that it was too good.
25 x 20 Energy Efficiency Initiative | AMD
AMD Corporate: Four Years In, Our 25x20 Energy ... | Community
In 2014 AMD aims to dramatically improve the energy efficiency of mobile processors such as notebook PCs, "By 2020 after six years, we will achieve 25 times power efficiency over 2014 compared to 2014 We announced ambitious goal of "25x20 initiative". The importance of "power saving" and "power efficiency" in the "performance" of computing terminals as well as notebook PCs and smart phones as well as desktop PCs is increasing year by year, and for the development of high performance CPU / GPU It clearly showed that AMD aims to improve energy efficiency.
Since it is required to realize more than 70% power efficiency improvement per year because it is twenty-five times over six years, "25 × 20 initiative" can be said to be an extremely difficult target setting. An interim announcement of its "25 x 20 initiative" efforts took place, and it has been revealed that AMD continues to outpace the targeted power efficiency pace at all times for four years from the start.

From the graph, we can see that the improvement in power efficiency is remarkable from 2014 to 2015. Although the pace-up was stagnant after that, the pace started again from the latter half of 2016, and it can be confirmed that it continues to clear the target pace of "25 times in 6 years" always after announcing "25 × 20 initiative". Dr. Jonathan Comie, the foremost guru on efficiency of computing, says, "What AMD does is not a small thing, the setting of 25 times in six years" is a historical benchmark " Moore's Law "by 70%, and if 25x20 initiative is achieved, exciting new technologies such as IoT, big data analysis, VR, deep learning will be realized," said AMD's I highly appreciate the results.
In other words, it seems to be possible to have a meaningful view that the power efficiency of the AMD chip until 2014 was too bad, but "I will improve the technology after setting technical goals that are extremely difficult to achieve It is an undeniable fact that continuing improves performance "is not unrelated to the fact that AMD has returned to a position where it can only compete intensely with Intel which is the biggest rival of the CPU industry Looks likely.

According to the paper master CTO, the next generation "Ryzen" processor and "Vega" graphics reflect the major metric improvement of "25x20 initiative", and further evolution can be expected. If AMD has cleared "25x20 initiative" two years later as of 2020, it seems likely that AMD is making further breakthroughs in both CPU and GPU markets.
AMD's Energy Efficiency Target: 25x Improvement by 2020 - YouTube
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