Twitter's Jack Dorsey said 'I want to take the initiative to make Twitter a healthier place.'

by JD Lasica

In Twitter, it is said that it is difficult for Bank to discriminate against accounts differently than other platforms. For example, on YouTube, measures such as stopping Alex Jones 's YouTube channel calling discriminatory claims and conspiracy theory are taken, but Twitter accounts remain. "The hate speech on Twitter have been acceptable, Jack Dorsey 's what the discretion of the CEO" that have been pointed out , but Dorsey says, "I want to continue to strengthen the soundness of the Twitter" I am talking.

Twitter wants to 'increase the health of public conversation'

Mr. Dorsey, attending the House Committee on Energy and Commerce held on September 5, 2018, made remarks at a hearing entitled "Twitter: Transparency and Accountability." Mr. Dorsey said, "The goal of Twitter is to increase the soundness of the published conversation," he said, revealing a stance of actively eliminating harmful content on Twitter Thing.

Twitter depends greatly on the notification system from users about malicious accounts and suspensions of harmful accounts. However, Mr. Dorse argued that the current status of relying on the cooperation of general users should be changed, and that the system should be changed so that the account suspension is carried out more aggressively.

Mr. Dorse seems to have touched the case where a threatening act against Mr. Megan McCain who was daughter of former Senator John McCain who passed away on August 25, 2018 was done on Twitter. This intimidation act was discovered by multiple users early, but it took several hours for the account that actually threatened to be suspended . "Our response was too late," Dorsey acknowledged Twitter's misfortune and said that it is necessary for the affected users to change the current system they have to report to Twitter.

by Mike Bloomberg

"We need to build algorithms that can shut down harmful accounts before it happens that human beings or accounts are recognized and reported," Dorsey said. We decided not to have a massive account suspension on Twitter. "Although increasing the health of Twitter does not lead to short-term growth, I think that it will affect long-term growth," Dorsey said.

At a hearing, one of the members said Mr. Dorse showed that a Twitter user told the contents of "selling illegal drugs like cocaine" said tweets. Congressman said, "If I were you, I would be ashamed of the state that such a tweet is being done," to Dorsey, Mr. Dorse also said, "You are right. Tweet is unacceptable. " And before the hearing is over, it is said that the account which tweeted the illegal drugs that the lawmakers took up was suspended.

in Web Service, Posted by log1h_ik