I ate 'Homeland bar 20th century pear milk' using pear fruit & rich milk of shariariy texture

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" Homerun bar 20th century pear milk " that combines pear puree and fruit juice with milk in a series of " home run bar " that will be the 58th anniversary of birth in 2018 as a staple product of ice cream is August 13, 2018 ), So I tried tasting pear iced using a taste of autumn soon.

Home run bar 20th century pear milk | Mateau Cooperative Dairy Co., Ltd.

This is "home run bar twentieth century pear milk" (130 yen without tax).

In the package, the standard of ice cream is "ice cream" with the highest proportion of milk solids and milk fat, and 16% of pear flesh and fruit juice is used as a material, and pear juice and pulp are used It is shown that it is included at a rate of 51% · Yukikaze : 49% in the twentieth century pears .

The content volume is 75 ml, and the raw materials include "dairy products" "pear sauce (snow pear flesh, sugar)" "20th century pear" "egg yolk" "liquor".

The energy per piece is 113 kcal.

Ice cream is a cuboid-shaped yellowish white. By the way, although the shape of the home run bar is a regular square pillar, most of the single goods such as "home run bar 20th century pear milk" has this rectangular parallelepiped .

When I try to eat it, it combines the refreshing sweetness of pear and milk flavor with richness in an exquisite balance. The entire ice cream is made of soft milk ice cream, and you can enjoy a crispy texture from the pulp of about 3 mm square pears mixed in. As the ice melts down to Toro ~, the flavor of the pear is strengthened, so it felt a little strange that "the scent is pear, the taste is pear + milk, the texture is milk ice".

In addition, a campaign is in progress that allows you to get 500 yen worth of quotes when the brand "QUO card per" stamp is pressed.

By the way, I was lazy at the ice I ate this time.

"Homeland bar 20th century pear milk" is 130 yen per tax, it sells at supermarkets and convenience stores all over the country.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log