Virtual sex in the virtual space 'Teledildonics' related patent expired and new wave to the smart sex toy industry


Joey Nicotra

To enjoy sexual activity virtually without having lovers who are in a long distance relationship actually meet each other is called ' Teledildo nix '. Such a patent on Teredildo nix was owned by the so-called ' patent troll ', but since it has expired, the lawsuits related to sex toys will be greatly reduced in the future, and it will be free from a wider range of manufacturers Smart sex toys are expected to appear.

Cybersex toy industry heats up as infamous “teledildics” patent climaxes | Ars Technica

On August 17, 2018 (Fri), the patent number ' US6368268B1 ', which has been stored for 20 years in the United States Patent and Trademark Office, has expired. This is a patent related to Teredildo Nixus , owned by TZU Technologies of California, USA, and has filed lawsuits against multiple manufacturers for patent infringement for 10 times since 2015. The lawsuits that TZU Technologies has filed for patent infringement regarding Teledildonics have all been settled in the past, so manufacturers have been forced to pay money.

The patent was submitted by three men in 1998 and is named 'Interactive Virtuality Stimulus System'.

However, with the expiration of this patent, smart sex toys may swell in the future.

'The sex technology market is experiencing an explosive growth in demand and the industry companies will start to invest more in the future,' said Mr. Lynn, an intellectual property lawyer with expertise in sex toys. Forecasting the rise of the future smart sex toy market.

In addition, Daniel Nether, a lawyer at the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), also applauded for the expiration of the patent period, '(in this example) a typical example of how excess patents lose innovation. While innovation won't accelerate unless social technologies for sexual technology and adult products change, at least start-up companies in this area will have a lawsuit from patent trolls like TZU Technologies. There is no need to be awakened. '

in Note,   Posted by logu_ii