iPhone · Galaxy Note 9 · Google Pixel 3, which survey clearly shows which smartphone users are looking forward to

Samsung's latest terminal " Galaxy Note 9 " was announced on 10th August 2018, but when PCMag of technology related media conducted a questionnaire survey for the user, it released a next iPhone release than the just-released Galaxy Note 9 It is clear that overwhelmingly many people are looking forward to.

Most Anticipated Smartphone? Next iPhone, Galaxy Note 9 Duke It Out | News & Opinion | PCMag.com

It is clear that Huawei held the second largest share in the global mobile market, but even in the US it is still a strong presence for Apple and Samsung to pull the market. PCMag is investigating 1555 consumers for "what mobile terminals are interested" in such American market.

In the questionnaire survey, "Galaxy Note 9" to be released in August, " New iPhone " to be released in September, " Google Pixel 3 " to be released in October, "LG V 40", "Huawei Mate 20", November OnePlus 6T "which is about to appear, which terminal you are looking forward to is being asked.

The results of the questionnaire are as follows. At the time of the survey, Galaxy Note 9, which was the time to be announced, gained 24% of support. On the other hand, the next iPhone gained the support of 42% of the whole, and it is clear from the figures that it is overwhelming attention. Others are Google Pixel 3 (7%), LG V 40 (4%), Huawei Mate 20 (3%), OnePlus 6 T (2%), others (6%), not interest (11% You can easily see that the devices consumers are looking forward to are limited to two, iPhone and Galaxy.

PCMag says, "(We have gained the second place in the world smartphone market) Huawei dominates the Chinese smartphone market, but in America there is a hard time finding a foothold." . Although Huawei has reported full withdrawal from the American market, the survey results show that not only is it struggling with the pressure from the government, but also from the consumers too much interest has not been gained.

It is reported that Huawei will withdraw completely from the American market - GIGAZINE

According to the survey, 76% of users who chose Galaxy Note 9 owned Samsung smartphones and 8% said they are using the iPhone at the time of reply, so some iPhone users will be able to access Galaxy Note 9 It may be that you will be transferring.

in Mobile, Posted by logu_ii