As global warming progresses more than a certain amount, it is impossible to keep pushing by human hands, the trend of the next ten years is a branch point and experts

by stokes rx
In the summer of 2018, it is a record hot weather worldwide, and in Japan many people are being transported by heat stroke, and in the Northern Europe etc. many forest fires due to the hot summer have been reported. Meanwhile, the researchers announced the paper that "human behavior will be a turning point for the next 10 to 20 years as the Earth moves toward irreversible warming, or will be stepped on the brink."
Trajectories of the Earth System in the Anthropocene | PNAS
Planet at Risk of Heading Towards Apocalyptic, Irreversible 'Hothouse Earth' State - Motherboard
On the Earth in which the researchers called " Hot House · Earth (Greenhouse Earth) " in the "Global Warming Advancement" state, the average temperature is higher by 4 to 5 degrees than the conventional Earth, Especially in the Arctic Circle it is thought to rise by nearly 10 degrees. In Hot House Earth, many of the ice present on the earth will melt away, the sea level rises by 10 to 60 m, so the land that human beings can habitat will be very narrow.
Many countries have agreed to reduce carbon emissions in the Paris Agreement which aimed to "keep the temperature rise of the earth up to two times before the industrial revolution" as a goal. However, Johan Rockstrom , a Swedish environmental scholar and coauthor of a paper claiming the dangers of "Hot House Earth", said, "The future that the earth turns into" Hot House Earth " It may be impossible to avoid raising the temperature rise by 2 degrees. "
According to Mr. Rockstrom, global warming is not caused only by greenhouse gases produced by humans, but is caused by various factors such as forests and oceans overlapping. Even if we reduce carbon emissions and suppress the temperature rise to two degrees, it will have a major influence on one of the natural factors that are creating the earth's environment and "further feedback towards global warming will be triggered There is a possibility, "Mr. Rockstrom said. For example, some researchers claim that thermal waves and forest fires occurring in various parts of the world in recent years are related to climate change caused by an increase in the average temperature of the earth by 1 degree . It seems that chain reaction like this may proceed to deteriorate global warming.

by Guillaume David
In the dissertation, "The melting of permafrost is one of the feedback to advance global warming." Permafrost is occupied by about one quarter of the land in the northern hemisphere, but a large part of permafrost will melt, so that a large amount of carbon and methane gas will be released into the air. If these greenhouse gases are released by melting permafrost, it can be a further factor to advance global warming.
Mr. Rockstrom cited as other feedback to advance global warming, "Rain forest of the Amazon and subarctic forest died due to drought, etc." "The amount of snow in the northern hemisphere will decrease" "Antarctic and Arctic Ice will melt out ". Rockstrom notes that these phenomena occur not only as a result of global warming but also the danger that further global warming will be caused as a result of these phenomena.
"These crisis factors work like domino killing," Mr. Rockstrom said, when one end of Domino is pushed down and collapsed, the next domino also collapsed, and the next domino also collapsed ... It is said that the Earth will push forward towards global warming linked in a chain of winds. And if "feedback to the hot house · earth" starts, it is very difficult to hold down by human hands. Mr. Rockstrom said that it is a branch point whether the next ten years would turn the earth into a hot house / earth or a stepping stone, "This is the world's largest security problem."

by OMassilia
Scientists say there are three priorities to stop feedback to the hot house and earth. The first is to "actively shift carbon emissions to an energy system that does not emit carbon as quickly as possible". An attempt to switch to a new energy source to replace oil and coal is progressing steadily along with the recent low cost of power generation method using wind power and solar energy.
The second one is "to stop deforestation and use of areas that remain plants for agriculture". Plants such as forests absorb 25% of carbon dioxide emitted by humans, and efforts to increase this figure without decreasing it are necessary for measures against global warming.
And the third is to "continually develop technology to extract carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and fix it for thousands of years". Bill Gates's attention is also focused on carbon dioxide immobilization projects , many countries and companies are developing technology, and in Canada a plant is actually being built to fix carbon dioxide.

by Alex Proimos
Also, Diana Liberman , a professor of geography at the University of Arizona , says, "Declining the birthrate worldwide will be useful to increase the sustainability of the planet." Because it requires a lot of energy to maintain the population, it is said that the world's population can be kept in a stable state by decreasing the population of the world than it is now.
"In recent years, many people are actively trying to prevent global warming voluntarily, but their activities should not end with self-satisfaction because they did not take necessary action to prevent global warming , It could cause serious troubles to the Earth, "Liverman said.
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