Headline news on 7th August 2018

Creation of duplicate paintings of famous painters has become one business, and 60% replicated oil paintings are actually produced in the market in Shenzhen City Dae Feng called China, the world's largest "oil painting village". In this "Oil painting village" for 20 years a man who continues to draw Van Gogh's paintings hopes to see a real Van Gogh picture I will go to the Van Gogh Museum "The Man Who Drew Van Gogh in the World " A scene cut was released.
A painting of Van Gogh took carelessly on the wall of a clunky workshop. It is a reproduction picture created by craftsmen of "oil painting village".

What do you get when Zhao Zhong who sent out over 100,000 copies of Van Gogh to the world visited the Van Gogh Museum?

© Century Image Media (China)
The movie is from September 20, 2018 (Sat), Shinjuku Cinemakalité, Fushimi Millionate and others, nationwide sequential road show.
By the way, I posted such an article on the same day of the same month in the past.
Ionic Materials announced that it succeeded in developing cheap and safe alkaline polymer battery manufacturing process than lithium ion battery - GIGAZINE
A study result that men will become "Playboy" and "Female dislikes" at the timing of seeing porn for the first time - GIGAZINE
"Cosplay championship" which decides the best cosplay performance in the world no longer departed from the frame of cosplay - GIGAZINE
"TOKYO 2020 Generator" that can make logo images with the official logo-like font of Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 - GIGAZINE
Wikipedia rejects cameraman's appeal as "photography copyright is in monkey" - GIGAZINE
Internal document of the National Surveillance Malware Assembly Kit "FinFisher / FinSpy" and 40 GB Source Code Leaked for Everyone Can Download - GIGAZINE
Next-generation nonvolatile memory "RRAM" can install 1 TB of storage on one chip - GIGAZINE
A rifle that all parts were output with a 3D printer withstands up to 14 embroidered shots - GIGAZINE
The meaning of Amazon's girls' school swimwear review a certain meaning - GIGAZINE
Ten mysteries that you can imagine the involvement of the alien engraved in human history - GIGAZINE
◆ Story (Memo · Others)
What? pic.twitter.com/o3dU8gPEC3
- Scroll bar @ Photographer with low flying height during Hamari (@ SKUROSQUID) August 5, 2018
If you want a large glass bowl, see Amazon reviews www laughter www pic.twitter.com/CjNXH8NB4L
- ttakahasi (@ takahasi) August 6, 2018
I was doing blue whale at NHK's news on the middle of the Koshien, but I was worried about the back chute train more than that w pic.twitter.com/QO9B6WOD 9o
-Mon iron [sub] (@ mon_tetsu_sub) August 6, 2018
Gasoline Teru hello! I thought it was for human beings pic.twitter.com/a7emubTekc
- Kappi - (@ Kappy_YP) August 5, 2018
My fucking answer as bad as my answer pic.twitter.com/JwF6lvb7zM
- Okako (@ okakou114514) August 5, 2018
The student went down despite the opening campus of Hokkaido University ... It was too scary in the science department ... pic.twitter.com/HUIousRSKD
- Woooo (@ww___ww___ww) August 6, 2018
Well now it's 2018 right? pic.twitter.com/a0oFwP58HN
- Three-chome certain (@ 3 chomenanigashi) August 5, 2018
◆ Science (science · academic · technology)
蒟蒻 (KONJAKU) chemistry | Gelate | note
Sharks in the dinosaur period, no food left extinct, research | National Geographic Japan edition site
◆ Society, Politics, Economy (Incidents · World News · Business)
Liberal Democratic Party Considering Summer Time = Abe Prime Minister Instruction, Governmental Careful Theory - Measures against the Hot Summer of the Tokyo Olympics: Current Affairs Dot Com
Mr. Mori, summer time again Request Prime Minister "Consider as a Cabinet": Asahi Shimbun Digital
Typhoon No. 13 Kanto Direct Hit Rarely heavy rain (Nikkan Forecasting August 06, 2018) - Japan Weather Association tenki.jp
Typhoon No. 13 Does it have any impact on transportation? (Nichibun Forecasting August 07, 2018) - Japan Weather Association tenki.jp
Emperor substitution: disciplinary civil servant considering exemption, subject matter of Mr. Sagawa - Mainichi Shimbun
Following the same standards, there is a possibility that the Sagawa Junpei National Introductory Tax Commissioner 's oversight of the Treasury document alteration may be exempt from tax cuts, and the government will carefully examine the criteria.
Disarmament exemption "can not be" = Chief Cabinet Secretary Taniguchi: current affairs dot com
Evil announcement requested Mr. Kan to the LDP conservative system after the emperor new emperor - Kyodo News
NHK opinion surveillance death penalty system survives 58% abolition 7% | NHK News
A new building is completely destroyed, a family of double loans is also a western Japan heavy rain 1 month: Asahi Newspaper Digital
Can you take a picture from the sideways down stroke or a flower? What? ,
- Amata ~ @ Team Boso (@ amatou_ 0429) August 5, 2018
From Nagaoka Festival large fireworks display pic.twitter.com/Zgp1qCMnvC
Passed at 74th place among 75 sons of Tokyo Medical University's previous son | NHK News
Tokyo Medical College entrance examination "serious girl discrimination" former president's directive Certification: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Kinugawa Flood: Inhabitants of Ibaraki and Junichi are seeking reparation to the country - Mainichi Newspaper
About 30 people living in Joso City, Ibaraki Prefecture, in Shizuo City, Ibaraki Prefecture, got damaged due to the flood of the Kinugawa river in September 2015 in Kanto and Tohoku heavy rains due to the country's river management inadequacies, We filed a lawsuit seeking damages of 335 million yen by the Mito District Court Shimousu branch.
Wells F employee, buying lottery group for 60 billion yen jackpot - Bloomberg
CNN.co.jp: "President's Assassination Attempted", Identifying Mastermind and Prosecutors Venezuela - (1/2)
CNN.co.jp: Indonesia earthquake, 98 deaths a thousand tourists waiting for rescue
President of Iran, US psychological warfare criticism sanction resumption 2 pictures international news: AFPBB News
North Korea Sanctions, Humanitarian Assistance Exclusion New Guidelines United Nations Security Council Approved 1 Photo International News: AFPBB News
Announcement concerning organization restructuring through company split | Rakuten Co., Ltd.
Abe, 1 strong politics "not good" 69% Asahi Shimbun Public opinion poll: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare Prior Affairs Vice Minister of Health, Labor and Welfare also at a corner of eating and drinking | NHK News
Zoo director indicted at home for charges of animal protection law violation - Kyodo News
Free Cancellation of Foreign Travelers' Suitcase to Kansai Airport | NHK News
What is the conspiracy theory which supports the Trump regime "QAnon" | Akira Rokuji | Column | Newsweek Japan Official Site
◆ Lifestyle (life, life, health)
Infant liquid milk, 8 days ban on lifting until marketing over 1 year: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Should your doctor do the ladies take turns? ~ Tokyo Medical University Girls' Reduction Problem Approaches "Patient Reform" (Eiki Enoki) - Personal - Yahoo! News
It looks sweet, but in fact it is toxic! Okinawa Travel, Take care of such fruits | Okinawa Times + Plus News | Okinawa Times + Plus
@ Key RT Oasis is coming, but since the food sample of the cafe melts, it is hot so be sure to take those who are participating ... pic.twitter.com/G6NozUJ4jU
- It's summer! It's sea! It's emotion! Beach volleyball deathmatch of Weppasar Hell (@ysm_die) August 4, 2018
Every time I go on a trip with her, I am taking self photos as a photographer.
- Kon chan (@ Hiromasa_kondo) August 6, 2018
It is not the landscape that you want to keep in memory, because we are having fun there pic.twitter.com/EcHaH0CO6P
What's wrong? How to squeal What is unbearable unexpected _ ( "ε:) _ Guha pic.twitter.com/O5Ejh1Vnn2
- Sebastian Mitchell (@ Vanilla 4645) August 5, 2018
Wait a minute!
- Mr. Tsubame Sensei Is not such a fool called as a teacher, but what? (@ Tsubamedohorii) August 6, 2018
It seems I do not eat mushrooms in India, but why
Because it is an umbrella of Kaeru
Is not it too cute? What? What? What kind of India (Suki) pic.twitter.com/2LVvEoN8UA
Mountain rice on the summit of Mt. Kurodake. A squirre is invited by a good smell of curry meshes. It seems that you are concerned about the inside. I despised himself desperately for five minutes until it was finished. I 'd like to love Nissin 's squirrel too (* ^^ *) pic.twitter.com/IeSwKxCBB4
- Fami (@ famy 2000s) August 6, 2018
I can not pack it pic.twitter.com/YISbcDLxHF
- Miso (@ omochi_nam 01) August 5, 2018
Especially I did not eat snacks, work collapsed on holidays and went out where I felt somewhat weak, went outside about 1 hour while drinking PET bottle barley tea, caused dehydration in acute enteritis.
- Sawa 's blogging (@sawanoji_tr) August 6, 2018
Everyone going to Comike, if you bring in barley tea to counter minerals freeze. Because it will be brewed soon.
# Summer, please tell me a scary story of the follower pic.twitter.com/5 dxdNmD 7 rG
I do not swim I am walking super pic.twitter.com/kwPL1bjONj
- inubot (@ inu_10 kg) August 6, 2018
Sendai fireworks display cat catwalks pic.twitter.com/b0HNR0JMOr
- Yu yui (@ yuic 0330) August 5, 2018
Let 's read this 100 times for those who sleep with a sleeping stance that the older meals were safe and secure. pic.twitter.com/Ikl0i9JAug
- Calci (@ Calcijp) August 6, 2018
Finally, the producing country of this handicraft "photo album" turned out. https://t.co/4H4h9VBQpO
- KEISUI ART STUDIO (@ keisuiart) August 7, 2018
I went to the Kawasaki municipal Japanese folklore park - An Ordinary Life
Opening on August 3 The use of Izu Inashi Onsen and Ryugu is awesome as well as booking and Biking! ! - I will see it!
◆ IT · Gadget (Net · Soft · Hard · Mobile)
Putting a service ticket with coin parking and thinking to leave without paying 1 yen, I cried because Apple Watch wrapped around my arm reacted without permission and pic.twitter.com/oxQB 9 BheY 7
- Imai Melody (@nykz_) August 6, 2018
Know-how to create new businesses alone - to diligently find laziness
"It seems that it is locked in to a tight but is it okay?" Question like a drink conversation (I can not drink a single drop) level, but what was that? It is a feeling.
Languages, frameworks, ideas and programmers are locked in various things. I think that it is insignificant that they depend on something in a valuation verification stage. In the first place, my working time was written in about 40% of the activity time and about one month in actual activity, so it would be nice to rewrite any number of it if it would really be cool.
YouTube's conservative channels are closed one after another "criteria for deletion, opaque" as criticism (1/2 page) - Sankei news
Amateur Style: Book that provides basic knowledge of computer science - HELLO CYBERNETICS
News | User Local Corporation
Monthly transition of the number of virtual YouTuber from the end of January 2018 to the end of July. Over the last six months, more than 4000 virtual YouTubers were found to be born. On average, 20 people are debuting per day.
· Virtual Youtuber's recognition rate is about 41.8%, men and women in their teens and 20s are aware of majority · The recognition rate of men in their teens is 70%, which is the highest recognition rate.
· Virtual Youtuber's awareness has increased rapidly over the past six months.
About the time when I learned virtual Youtuber, "About half a year" is majority of the whole · About 50% of the whole virtual Youtuber recognizer gets home after returning home · About 60% viewing / listening before going to bed · Virtual Youtuber Cognizer Teenage male Approximately 60% answered "It is going to rise in the future"
Sorry for the sudden report. I had a fire at home a little last night and I was hospitalized. Fire source is desktop PC (power off status). I sleeping a fire when I wake up at bedtime. I succeeded in initial fire extinguishment, so I did not come to cherish, but I was dead if I made a mistake one step. Do not lie so everyone should be careful of old PC ... pic.twitter.com/qRBRzk44tj
- Taku @ 8/9 Feast 8/18 Delhi 8/31 Without hurting (@Toku_Oloroso) August 6, 2018
I was relieved told in the new era that "There is no completely new idea in the world, no way." The idea is almost to be fun. I tried to summarize as a method that can forcefully put out ideas for myself who is boiling down in the midnight Family. If you are encouraged by the idea of midnight also w pic.twitter.com/tAHIbmpqkN
- Umeda Tetsuya (@ umedatetsuya) August 5, 2018
NTT Com "At the moment there is no plan to block," what was the announcement made in April? - lawyer dot com
AWS IoT Device Defender is available to keep connected devices securely | Amazon Web Services Blog
Is the publishing industry a sinking mudbo? «Magazine navigation [kɔ]
Pirated users who convert with regular music streaming UK survey - story about P2P or that area R
Learn from issues of large-scale games such as FGO Game server · infrastructure study meeting Summary - Togetter
◆ Anime · Game · Manga (Subcar)
___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ ___ 0 ___ ___ 0
TV anime "It is being threatened to the 1st place I want to hold you. "PV first volume - YouTube
Cooking comic book Though this page was pasted on this thread, people who have never read Jean say "How does the main character reverse the way after this?" Pic.twitter.com/RO4Q8mbNPY
- Nanbashi (@ nanahashi 784) August 6, 2018
You often see on Twitter pic.twitter.com/6rMCF2mdnq
- kaneda (@ kaneda 28332536) August 6, 2018
Dinosaurs who know the pleasure of walking at night pic.twitter.com/JNxO16Va66
- Timimurakota (@ cota 0572) August 6, 2018
It was bad , I pic.twitter.com/n1JJzDiWeR
- GENTRON (@ GENgoraw) August 6, 2018
CR ___ ___ SAFETOGEA ___ ___ 0
"Zero's everyday" In the 1 volum strip, comments received from Mr. Aoyama.
- Daily Detective Conan Zero's Everyday 【Official】 (@ zerotea_file) August 6, 2018
Furthermore, on the side where we took the cover ...! What? # Zero tea # Zero everyday # band first public # Triple face comics pic.twitter.com/DsYTIHcCye
"Masaye, Shinnosuke, Hima ... I will definitely bring home the Holy Grail ..." pic.twitter.com/S7YkjExGlb
- Nate (@ juridget) August 5, 2018
I thought about how many patterns Sadako's appearance scene! pic.twitter.com/r5bIlkI 0 Dz
- tom (@ tom 71082402) August 6, 2018
White blood cell (tres) who found bacteria bacteria pic.twitter.com/fI17Kn3FZD
- Ah! Cheerful! ! Dandondan Shahn! Charikari Charita ... (@ Charly_405) August 5, 2018
Nocturnal Follower pic.twitter.com/JPd4wZea0Q
- Akikan (@ akikan_000) August 5, 2018
Response to the cuteness of each platelet pic.twitter.com/wT3CMLMzgn
- Chiyono (@ Aftam C) August 6, 2018
【Creation】 Futon in my pic.twitter.com/Vhf6Emymta
- Anno (@ sakana 32929) August 5, 2018
A promise of an adventure thing A huge ball rolls from here over from the passage A trap rolling over here Simply a terrible trap ... But I wonder if I can not make it at the part of this side's skimmer ... thinking from a childhood ... ‥ If you make it a picture ‥ The hero It is not cool even if you exchange it like this So everyone does not do it pic.twitter.com/UFFUAc1HD8
- ー ー Yan (@ 240eukrante) August 5, 2018
The Japanese Red Cross Society should collaborate closely with "working cells" and should promote blood donation more rapidly using platelets as food. pic.twitter.com/8 ClnAUkRLJ
- Thinking Emoji (@ TFE 1207) August 5, 2018
【Creation】 "Magical girl remembered" pic.twitter.com/oWZ6614eCK
- Sugi E na (@ 9Gen 22) August 5, 2018
Whenever new things are said a lot from new times pic.twitter.com/nqDvmpjL17
- ー ー (ー carbide 37084108) 5th August 2018
No, I do not know where to start from now () pic.twitter.com/cqjTu64I1c
- Naruse Kun (@ narusex 4 P) August 5, 2018
When I ate ramen at a Japanese restaurant in the UK Japanese restaurant I drew a story about when I almost cried pic.twitter.com/siuULAPxcw
- Chan azu (@ azucocco) August 6, 2018
The first one is a guy I painted when I was 12 years old.
- Kouji Tajima Tajima Koji (@ Kouji_ Tajima) August 6, 2018
The second one is a guy who has drawn after 25 years old. pic.twitter.com/8bUTjPk5gh
"I think that it is" a range that is decisively different from Ranobet and the novel is "a range that you can leave it to imagination." "Try to use one's head firmly to read a novel novel firmly" "Personally test a national language What is the most important problem in () "When you read this sentence please answer how I thought" - Togetter
◆ Sports · Entertainment · Music · Movie (Entertainment)
When I recommended "Oceans 8" to my wife, he says "I have not seen 1 to 7", so he said, "I first saw it was 11" and he said that he was scolded as "funny as a person" - Togetter
Cool spray and water offshore academy "Need to help each other" - High School Baseball: Asahi Newspaper Digital
Why is "Godmers" a trend? ! → This historian's teacher mentioned the difference between the original and the drama → To the TL full of fans' thought - Togetter
"Acoustic effect sword" gives a good Katana sound,
- Kitada Masaya (@ kitadamasaya) August 6, 2018
It was developed with the aim of being able to record safely according to the image. pic.twitter.com/zRZqTA7ukr
"Because the copyright of the Little Prince is short, OK, OK you did not do it without permission" "" Well now now Warner Brothers has a license, Seram was surprised to hear that this was the first time It was - "Togetter
North Korea Basketball player, where is Nike? A loophole in sanctions: Asahi Shimbun Digital
Rice 12 years old, Triple Axel Successful youngest girls in history: Asahi Shimbun Digital
◆ New product (clothing / food / housing)
The taste of the fall appeared! "Harvest Suite Potato" New Release
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