A movie 'NASA 60th: How It All Began' which summarizes the steps up to the birth of NASA in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of NASA's establishment is now open

Established in 1958, NASA (American Aeronautics and Space Administration) celebrates its 60th anniversary in 2018. To celebrate it, a movie that summarizes the steps up to the establishment of NASA is published on NASA's official channel .
NASA 60th: How It All Began - YouTube
The foundation of the foundation of NASA was the organization called NACA (American Air Advisory Committee) . Established in 1915 during the First World War, it was dismantled in 1958 by transferring functions and personnel to NASA.

Thomas Keith Grennan, who became the first secretary of NASA, declared at the interview that "NACA will become the center of a new aerospace policy."

NACA especially focused on high-speed flight, but it quickly integrated with space exploration. NACA is a science and technology reservoir of aerospace and a collection of aerospace geeks, says Bill Barry, NASA's chief historical researcher.

Members of NACA had a strong interest in aviation and of course were also interested in nature and the universe as well. "In terms of members' interests and research subjects, the transition from NACA to NASA was seamless," says Robert Hendrix, an NACA engineer.

Boosted by worldwide development competition, the US will also launch the first space satellite launch. As the Soviet Union put a 23-inch (about 58 cm) metal ball, Sputnik 1 , on Earth orbits, political pressures were rapidly rising in the United States.

A lot of pressure was applied to the rocket " Vanguard " that got into the launch ... ...

The first attempt by Americans using the Vanguard rocket ended in failure.

"We came to the end of explosion with most rockets, at that time the countdown" 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 "counted as a count until the explosion," NASA's astronaut Mr. Charles Duke said.

Two months after the first launch failure, the US was preparing to launch the satellite again.

I heard that NACA is planning to launch, it seems that 200 news media rushed.

And on January 31, 1958, a satellite called "Explorer 1" was launched. "Explorer 1" became the first satellite launched by the United States.

"There was a scientist all over the world who tried to understand the planet Earth, this is the purpose that Explorer 1 was designed," says Mr. Mitchell Tuller of NASA scientist. Mr. Tallah said, "NASA is great because it began with science," he emphasized the greatness of discovery and development through space development.

About the same thing, James Van Allen, a professor of space science at the University of Iowa , says: "The goal of the series of actions is scientific and it is a very pure scientific experiment.The more you understand the nature in our astronomical environment and know about our own Earth, the more you can do There will be more. "

Six months after the successful launch of the satellite, President Eisenhower signed the US Congress through a federal statute called " National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (International Aeronautical Act of 1958) ".

NASA was thus established.

At the end of the movie, he said that NASA has the task that can be said to be the most difficult in human history, spreading knowledge on people's space development, running vehicles that carry tools and people to space, peaceing air and space development Researching the benefits for scientific objectives, and emphasizing preserving the role of the United States as a leader in aviation and space science technology.

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