People who secrete a lot of male hormones 'testosterone' turned out to be 'luxuriously oriented'

by Puparrazi PhotographY
Testosterone , a type of male hormone, is known to increase the performance of group work and to bring about effects such as "rejuvenation" and "sex change" . Men with high secretion of such testosterone were found to be "high-class oriented" like brand goods and luxury cars.
Single-dose testosterone administration increase men's preference for status goods | Nature Communications
Higher testosterone levels are apparently driving men to luxury goods - The Verge
A number of researchers are already conducting research on the question "How does testosterone, a type of male hormone, influence human thinking?" Previous studies have found that testosterone is associated with psychological conditions such as aggression and enthusiasm for a strong position, and studies such as " there is a connection to significant consumption activity and the amount of testosterone secretion " It is done.
Meanwhile, California Institute of Technology and Wharton School researchers jointly measured the causal relationship between testosterone in males and the desire for luxury brands and high-end products.
According to a paper published in science journal Nature , researchers recruited 243 male subjects aged 18 to 55 years old. Approximately half of them received testosterone, the other half told testosterone and administered placebo . Next, in the questionnaire we asked the subjects which one of the "premium brands beautiful like the Armani is beautiful" and "pretty but good quality brands like The North Face " He said that he asked. Then, subjects who received testosterone had a tendency to prefers higher quality brands than those who received placebo.

by George Shahda
In the second part of the study, we showed three different advertisements for products such as watches to the subjects. The first ad highlighted the words "high quality, high reliability to products", the second ad highlighted words such as "luxury, luxury, attention to detail" , And the third was advertisement emphasizing the words "robust, powerful, for sports".
Subjects evaluated "How much watches advertised are liked" with a score of 1 to 10 for these advertisements. As a result, subjects receiving testosterone liked the words "luxurious, luxurious" compared to subjects who received placebo.
Based on the above experimental results, it is suggested that as the amount of secreted testosterone increases, men feel desire for "gorgeous" "luxury" and that hobbies and likes may change depending on the amount of hormones. Coin researcher Colin Camerer who participated in the experiment said that the amount of testosterone secretion strengthens the feeling of seeking exclusivity and superiority of animals, "In human beings it appears in clothing, cars, life, etc. "I said.

by istolethetv
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