Japanese couple winemakers are highly praised globally but they are forced to leave the country from France

Traditional wine brewery technology and agricultural skills across France and now Japanese couple of winemakers who are highly acclaimed worldwide are now enjoying wine from the local municipality, own wine (wine It is judged that economically unsustainable vineyards for vineyards) are in danger of being unable to continue activities in France.

Japanese winemakers face deportation from France despite making 'exceptional' red - The Local

Deportation threat to Japanese winemakers causes outcry in France

Mr. Hirofumi Shoji and Rie's couple went to France in 2011 and received training in winemaking in Burgundy region. And in 2016, we got about 3.5 hectares of vineyards near Collioure in southern France, Pyrenees-Oriental and started winemaking wine.

The 2017 vintage of Van Naturle "Pedres Blanques" brewed in grapes produced by the husband and wife of Mr. Shoji is produced by natural farming received a high reputation and received a high rating from the Spanish restaurant " Al Sarje Da " that has won three stars in Michelin. Kang · Roka "and so on, as well as receiving orders from world-famous restaurants. In addition, the wine of 2018 vintage that has not yet been produced has already been reserved 75%.


Posts shared by Pedres Blanques (@ hirofumishoji)

However, in April 2018 the Pyrenees-Oriental prefecture refused to live, judging that Mr. and Mrs. Shoji's vineyard is low profitability and economically unsustainable. Depending on the judgment that the Montpellier District Administrative Court will make on September 6, 2018, Mr. and Mrs. Shoji will be deemed insufficient qualifications for residential approval and will have to leave France.

Jean Codognès, a lawyer from Mr. Shoji, said, "Administrative experts claim that two vineyards can not be economically continued.In 2018 vintage already has 75% reserved, 26 It should be possible to expect a profit of 10 thousand euros (about 33 million yen) The husband and wife have savings of 100 thousand euros (about 13 million yen) after paying all the living expenses and taxes, furthermore 500 thousand euros (about 6500 The prefecture insists that the price of the wine made by two people will rise, but the vice yard of the Shoji couple is impossible to survive.This time The case is everything is messed up! "Is raised.

Jan Paul Delliaas of the old wine specialty shop "The 9 Caves" in Banyuls-sur-Mer says "" Pedres Blanques "has already sold tens of thousands and the inventory of the store is already sold out. I also have a reservation for 2018. I should not let Rie and Hirohumi be separated from France. "

Also, on the Internet, signatures appealing to the governor of the Pyrenees-Oriental province that "Shouji and his wife should stay in France" have been gathered, and more than 42,000 people already agree at the time of writing the article.

Pétition: Non à l'expulsion des vignerons japonais de Banyuls!

Alain Poty, a wine critic, says, "This case is a perfect example of how difficult it is for young winemakers to make natural wines, and the prefecture's" economically sustainable In order for them to make a model, I have to work with myself running from morning till night. "

Mr. Mr. Shoji has disputed the administrative order but said, "We would have to leave this place unless desired from France".

in Note,   Food, Posted by log1i_yk