BBC publishes an archive of the computer-based program 'BBC Computer Literacy Project' of the former computer

" BBC Computer Literacy Project " is a TV program that explains BBC 's knowledge about computers broadcast in the 1980's. An archive of the BBC Computer Literacy Project that was broadcast at the time the personal computer began to appear and influenced many people was released online.

BBC Computer Literacy Project Archive

BBC releases computer history archive - BBC News

In starting the BBC Computer Literacy Project, BBC sold a microcomputer called " BBC Micro " designed for educational use. BBC Micro called "a computer for education that children can learn about computers" as a big reaction in the UK, and many elementary school and junior high school purchased it for education.

by Rain Rabbit

The contents of the BBC Computer Literacy Project actually broadcasted on television ranged from basic knowledge of computers to interviews with state-of-the-art computer engineers. The BBC Computer Literacy Project is an introductory computer program for many people, affected by many British engineers.

In the online archive, in addition to 146 original broadcast movies broadcast, 121 related movies are released. When you click "Watch" from the home screen ... ...

It is possible to check the archived movie for each program. Try clicking the item "The Silicon Factor".

There were three movies in all in "The Silicon Factor". Clicking on the displayed thumbnail ......

It is possible to watch a movie online.

The text displayed on the right side of the movie is a summary of the contents described in the movie being played. Seeing the movie on the left side, you can easily understand by referring to the summary on the right side.

The archived movie is not limited to those broadcast on television at the time, and there are also movies about Mr. Steve Jobs .

The content of the movie was a summary of Jobs 'lifetime after Mr. Jobs' death.

By clicking "Programms" at the top of the screen, it is possible to search for movie items from the title ......

By clicking "Explore", you can search related movies by checking the words you care about.

Sorted movie clips are listed in the bottom of the screen.

Click "BBC Micro Software" at the top of the screen ... ...

An emulator that can reproduce the BBC Micro program introduced in the program on the browser was displayed. There are 166 programs in total.

The BBC Computer Literacy Project is content that can also be said to be "an important milestone in the initial phase of personal computers," which BBC says can be an educational material applicable to future education.

in Software,   Web Service,   Hardware, Posted by log1h_ik