While Nintendo and Microsoft are collaborating to realize cross-play beyond the platform's boundaries, Sony at the same time

On June 21, 2018 Nintendo released " Minecraft ( Minecraft )" for the Nintendo Switch. Nintendo distributed " Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition " as a minecraft version of the Nintendo Switch version about one year ago, but in the newly delivered "Minecraft" there are various more than "Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition" Function is added, and it is a new point that it corresponds to "cross play" which can play games with users who play Minecraft on different platforms, especially PC / Xbox One / iOS / Android.
Nintendo and Microsoft team up to promote cross-play, while Sony remains silent - The Verge
Nintendo's newly launched "Minecraft" allows cross play with different platforms such as PC / Xbox One / iOS / Android. However, only cross play with the PlayStation 4 (PS 4) version Minecraft distributed since 2014 has been realized. This is the same for cross platform games " Fort Knight " and " Rocket League " other than Maincraft, and any games realized cross play with some platforms such as "PS 4 and PC" and "PS 4 and smartphone" However, neither is compatible with cross play with the Nintendo Switch version.
Although Nintendo Switch is entering the port of popular games on other platforms one by one, Sony with Sony looking for Crossplay of Nintendo Switch and PS4 is a false pose, and we partnered with Microsoft that offers Xbox One, I'm trying to promote it extensively.
In order to appeal that Nintendo realized the cross play with the other platform Minecraft, we have also released special trailers. Inside the movie, Xbox One's controller has appeared, and Nintendo encourages you to adventure and build with Xbox One version players.
Minecraft Cross-Play Trailer - Nintendo Switch - YouTube
From this movie, "It is clear that Nintendo and Microsoft have a marketing agreement to emphasize the crossplay of Microsoft's game" Mine Craft "," The Verge of international news media points out. In addition, The Verge says that Nintendo and Microsoft, which are clear competing relationships in the market of home game machines, will partnership with each other is "very unusual", and they are setting a static attitude to support cross play between consoles He also said that cooperation between the two companies is putting pressure on Sony, saying that Sony is "in a subtle position."
Sony also excludes cross play between PS 4 and Nintendo Switch for Fort Knight, which just released the Nintendo Switch version, and there are successive voices of users from users . On the other hand, Nintendo and Microsoft make full use of the merit of crossplay to marketing, and this is "happy" as noted by The Verge.
Hey AttoXbox , Since We Can Play Together In AttoMinecraft Now, Did You Want To Build Something? Pic.Twitter.Com/LIylWy3yXZ
- Nintendo of America (@ NintendoAmerica) June 21, 2018
As for the difference between "Minecraft" which was released on June 21, 2018 and "Minecraft: Nintendo Switch Edition" which was delivered before that, the following articles gathered very small differences summarized I will.
What's changed? Summarizes the difference between "SwitchEdition" and the new "Minecraft" | Napoan's Mikura
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