Will the installation of wireless ID chip to car become compulsory, further strengthening monitoring in China?

ByAndrey Filippov 德德德

A system that enables monitoring of operation by obliging to install an ID chip (RFID) that can communicate wirelessly with the car owned by citizens is about to be introduced in China from 2019 in full scale.

A Chip in the Windshield: China's Surveillance State Will Soon Track Cars - WSJ

China wants to track citizens' cars with mandatory RFID chips - The Verge

This policy is advanced by the Public Security Department and the Traffic Driving Division of China, and by pasting a chip that can communicate data wirelessly on the windshield of the car, information registered on the chip using a dedicated device from the side of the road It seems that it will be able to collect. First of all, the operation targeted to the desired user is started on July 1, 2018, but after 2019 it is supposed that the installation of RFID chips on all new cars is mandatory.

Regarding the purpose of this system, the Chinese government revealed that "suppressing the occurrence of congestion" ultimately suppresses the occurrence of pollution and "prevention of terrorist acts using cars" I will.

ByStan Wiechers

This chip does not have the function to determine the current position of the vehicle by communicating with the GPS, and it will be in the form of registering the information of the car in advance, but what kind of information is included besides the body color and license plate It is unclear whether it will be done. A similar system already has already been introduced in Mexico, India, South Africa, Brazil, Dubai, etc. There are also cases where RFID chip can be used to pay fuel bills, various traffic volume and fine.

ByDylan Todd

It can be said that the point to note in the Chinese system is its size. Approximately a year in ChinaWe are selling less than 30 million cars, It is the world's largest new car selling country. Once this system is obliged in 2019, the Chinese government will be able to obtain the data of an enormous number of vehicles.

As mentioned above, the RFID chip itself is not equipped with the function to acquire position information, but by combining with the information on the place of installation of the data reading device, it is possible to know when the vehicle was located in a specific place It is possible to grasp. American private think tankStrategic and International Research InstituteJames Andrew Lewis deputy director said, "The Chinese government is trying to bring about the full-scale construction of a society that watches citizens."

So to speak, it is operated in JapanN systemAlthough it is an advanced version of RFID chip system, there is also a view that this monitoring system does not necessarily remain on the road. In China, there is a policy to introduce "social credit system" (social credit system) "to black out" individual credit levels by "violating acts in the net and real society" by 2020 , It is also predicted that an RFID chip system will be incorporated in some of them.

Awesome whole people surveillance plan that scores points by net and reality violation and grades individual credit levels and makes it blacklist - GIGAZINE

in Hardware,   Vehicle,   Security, Posted by darkhorse_log