Site "Ancient Earth globe" that you can see by changing the appearance of the earth by age
Earth's land moves slowly in a very long time and its shape is changing. website"Ancient Earth globe"It is possible to interactively observe by changing the appearance of the Earth from 750 million years ago to the present.
Ancient Earth globe
When you access Ancient Earth globe, the appearance of the Earth floating in space was displayed. However, its appearance is quite different from the current one, showing a very large continent leading from the North Pole to the South Pole.

As you can see from the top of the screen that "What was the earth's 240 million years ago looked like?", This earth is a reproduction of the state of the past. On this earth Earth, it became the source of all the continents of the present earthPangea ContinentThere existed. If you look carefully, the map shows the current part of the earth slightly on the map.

From the pull down at the top of the screen you can choose the age. The age can be selected from "750 million (750 million years ago)" to "0 (modern)".

In the pull-down menu on the right side of the screen, you can choose times with keywords such as "When multicellular organisms first appeared" or "When terrestrial plants appeared" "Jurassic".

Also, the selected age is displayed in the lower left of the screen, and the characteristics of that age are explained.

The oldest era that I can choose is 750 million years agoCryo GenianThe era of the era called. Precambrian Age in the Geological Age → Proterozoic → New Proterozoic, the whole earth was covered with iceSnowball EarthIt is thought that it was happening in this era.

The earth of 540 million years agoCambrian ageIt is an era called "era when many living creatures appeared explosively in the ocean. Almost all roots of modern creatures are thought to have emerged in this age.

400 million years agoDevonianPlants and animals start to land on land. Firstly, the plant started rising to land to make oxygen, after that insects first rise from the water to land, and it is believed that vertebrates such as reptiles eventually lived on land as well.

260 million years agoPermianWhen the time comes, the continents gradually gather ... ...

Around 240 million years ago, the Pangea continent was formed. The ancestor of the dinosaur begins to become the champion of land on this era.

After that, after entering the Cretaceous through the Jurassic, the Pangea continues to divide and the Continent is gradually born close to the modern Earth. During this period, so-called "dinosaurs" such as Tyrannosaurus, Triceratops, Pteranodon are at their peak.

The age of reptiles such as dinosaurs celebrates 66 million years ago. In this era, the asteroid collided with the present Yucatan Peninsula and the Gulf of Mexico, the earth's climate suddenly changed as the "dust" wound up by the impact floated in the atmosphere for several years.

20 million years agoNeogene, Land which is almost the same as the modern earth was formed. It was also around this time that the Japanese archipelago separated from the Eurasian continent due to the birth of the Sea of Japan. On the African continent "human beings" who are ancestors of humans are emerging in those days.

And about 7.5 billion people are inhabiting on the modern earth. "Ancient Earth globe" seems to make us feel that the era of human beings is only a small part of the history of the earth.

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in Review, Web Application, Science, Posted by darkhorse_log