Does Nessie really exist? Scientists to DNA survey


Nessie also say a representative of the unidentified animal is still fans while is said that there is no evidence that there are many, are investigating continue to stay in Loch Ness during the 25 yearsThe more the hunter exists. It was announced that scientists would start the investigation using DNA sequencing, saying "I really want to find out whether Nessie is really possible in Loch Ness."

Kiwi scientists to lead new hunt for Loch Ness monster - NZ Herald

Scientists Are About to Catalog All The Life in Loch Ness Once And For All

Scientists to Hunt for Loch Ness Monster DNA

An unidentified animal that appears in Loch Ness, Scotland ·NessieThe history dates back to the record that Ireland clergy Columba encountered in the year 565 AD. After that, sightings have been posted one after another in 1930, and a famous "surgeon's picture" was posted in the Daily Mail in 1934, people all over the world learned of Nessie. However, Christian Sparring, who died nearly in 1993, asked physician Robert Kenneth Wilson, who has a social position, a false testimony that "a photograph of the surgeon" was a father's joke using a toy It was revealed.

However, because the existence of photographs was denied, not all legends of the monster of Loch Ness which lasted more than 1000 years were denied. So, the research team led by Professor Neil Gemmell, a geneticist at the University of Otago, New Zealand, decided to investigate the environmental DNA of Loch Ness from June 2018.

Cells of living things contain DNA specific to that organism, but tissue pieces of living organisms are released to the outside by the metabolic exfoliation, adhesion to excrement, etc. Tissue pieces peeled off from living organisms living on the waterside such as lakes and rivers should be contained in the water. If you collect this water and extract and analyze DNA, what kind of organisms live in the waterside There is a possibility that it will become clear to some extent whether it is.

What Professor Gemmell does is like thisEnvironmental DNAInvestigation. The research team will prepare a detailed list of creatures of Loch Ness from the results of the DNA analysis and compare it with other lakes to clarify the difference with other lakes in Loch Ness.

"If you move the environment in any creatures, you leave small fragments of DNA such as skin, scales, feathers, feces, urine, etc. This DNA was collected and sequenced and obtained from 100 thousands of organisms We compare it with the database of gene sequences and see if there are any strict matches, "Gemmell said. Professor Gemmell says, "If you have a DNA sequence similar to the already extinct large marine reptiles, you will be surprised," while stating that any results will be accepted without prejudice, even though it will become apparent. It is suggested that Nessie is a large fish such as catfish and sturgeon, so the team plans to test these possibilities firmly.

A man in the photo is Professor Gemmell.

Loch Ness is the largest freshwater lake in Great Britain and surveying organisms is thought to reveal huge knowledge such as new species of bacteria and alien species, which had not been known before. From this, it is said that beyond Nessie's survey, this research has a big meaning.

In addition, Professor Gemmell says, "Through this opportunity, how the scientific process makes hypotheses, tests, needs for verification, using double blind methodObserver effectYou can indicate whether you want to control. All these are important parts of this story. "

in Science,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log