Finally the identity of the legendary snow man Yeti and Bigfoot was found by DNA appraisal

ByJoe Penniston

While there are information by sightings and learners, while creatures whose realities are not confirmedUnidentified animalAnd in Japan,TsuchinokoYaIssySometimes it became a topic. Eyewitness information on unidentified animals has been reported in various parts of the world, and among them was also witnessed in the HimalayasYetiAnd have been witnessed in the Rocky MountainsBigfootThe hair sample which is assumed to be the one of Professor of Human Genetics at Oxford University andSwiss State Animal MuseumThe research team led by the insect scholar of DNA examined the DNA, and finally found out the identity.

Genetic analysis of hair samples attributed to yeti, bigfoot and other anomalous primates

Bigfoot claims stepped on new hair analysis

"Although it can not be asserted that there are no unidentified animals, it is also true that there is no evidence that there are unidentified animals," said Michel Sartori, an insectiologist at the Swiss State Animal Museum, and Brian of Human Genetics at the University of Oxford · Professor Sykes announced that Yetti, which had been reported one after another in the Himalayas, was extinct 20,000 thousand years agoNeanderthal peopleI was interested in the theory that it is not.

ByJaroslav A. Polák

Actually, it is happening that "there really existed an organism thought not to exist", for example,coelacanthAlthough it was said that fish called extinct at the same time as dinosaurs, it was confirmed that existing species existed in South Africa in 1938 and has given surprises to many researchers.

In addition, Mr. Sartori had previously felt that "people who advocate the existence of Yeti and other unidentified creatures are not being treated in a fair position", "Unfortunately from the scientific point of view, Let's prove the existence of an animal ", thinking that, in cooperation with professor Sykes, we set up a research team and will be made" magical primates "from museums around the world and UMA hunters in 2012 , We obtained a hair sample capable of analyzing gene sequence and carried out DNA appraisal.

As a result of the DNA appraisal, 30 hair samples which were supposed to be Yeti, Bigfoot etc were those of bear, horse and porcupine, and none of the new primate species was confirmed. However, the DNA of the hair sample of Yeti found in the Himalayas is consistent with the genetic information of the polar bear's bone 100 thousand years ago, which was discovered in 2004. One of the research teams said, "The body hair of Yeti that was offered may be of a new species of bear, a hybrid of a polar bear and a bear", but it was not of a new species of primate .

ByTambako The Jaguar

In the study, it was also found that 6 out of 30 hair samples considered to belong to Bigfoot are American black bears. For other hair samples, it has also been found to be raccoons, cows, bears and porcupine hair. One of the hair samples found to be an American black bear was regarded as a sample obtained when an American hunter caught a big foot.

An individual collector, Derek Landsles, who offered a hair sample that was supposed to be with Bigfoot, was a person who claimed to have witnessed Bigfoot twice, "I was disappointed with the results of the appraisal, but I I am not giving up because I possess a sample that I can offer. "

in Science,   Creature, Posted by darkhorse_log