Mr. Earon Mask's next business is called "candy" or "pretty seriously"

byFoodie Factor

As a new product to dig underground tunnel to resolve city traffic jamFlamethrowerMr. Earon Mask who surprised the surroundings, this time, he said "I am thinking about the candy company" and speaks on Twitter and is calling up a topic. Sounds like a joke, but Mr. Mask is quite serious. In the background that Mr. Mask had reached the idea of ​​a candy company, investorsWarren BuffettIt seems that there was interaction with Mr.

Elon Musk and Warren Buffett clash over moats and candy

Elon Musk Trolls Warren Buffett Over See's Candies and Moats | Fortune

Mr. Mask on Twitter on May 5, 2018 suddenly tweets, "I'm thinking about the candy company and it will be wonderful."

About this tweet, some people take seriously and others think that it is a joke. On Twitter "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"Willy · Wonka of the person who comes to mind has also appeared.

However, Mr. Mask showed his willingness to be "fairly serious" against such surrounding reactions. Apparently it does not seem to be a kind of joke.

Actually, Mr. Mask made the above remarks on the premise of interaction with Mr. Warren Buffett, an investor who is a regular of the world's longest number. Mr. Buffett has long been in investment "moat (moat"Shiroi)" and "wide moat (big moat)" were used. This means that when you do business, the larger the moat, that is, the higher the defense power is, the easier it is to succeed. Elements that become a moat include "big business scale", "market share is overwhelmingly high" and "structural superiority".

Mr. Mask criticized the word moat used by Mr. Buffett and claimed that "speed of innovation" is more important. Mr. Buffett said against it, "Innovation does not destroy moat in all industries". "Eylon may turn things over in some areas, I do not think he will come into our candy industry," I returned ironically and jokingly taken words. Mr. Buffett is the largest shareholderBerkshire · HathawayHas a manufacturer called "She's Candies" as a subsidiary. Mr. Mask 's remark at the beginning was based on Mr. Buffett' s remarks.

Mr. Mask is planning to develop a space ship "SpaceXWhile chaired by CEOWorld's largest battery factoryBuilding,"Hyper loop concept" of 1200 km / hPlanning,Developed flamethrowerIt is an idea called "Candy" that can be heard absurdly, but it is highly likely that it will actually be done.

Meanwhile, Mr. Mask is criticized in Tesla's management, and as of May 6, 2018, "We decided to scrap down dirty scum", started firing low productivity workers. It is reported that it is.

Clearly that Tesla has launched "multiple subcontract" by dismissing workers with low productivity - GIGAZINE

in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log