Earlon Mask's "underground tunnel network concept of speed of 200 km", the first tunnel completed in SpaceX partly completed
Ellon Mask, who heads Tesla and SpaceX, has a plan to build a vast tunnel network covering 40 underground cities to solve the congestion in the US and Los Angeles. The idea of moving a car on a magnetic rail and moving it at a speed of 200 km per hour has been steadily steadily realizing, and it is reported that Mr. Mask actually built the first tunnel in the basement of SpaceX.
Elon Musk's Eccentric Plan to Drill Tunnels Under Los Angeles Is Actua | Vanity Fair
Mr. Eulon Mask has launched the company "The Boring Company" that creates tunnels when constructing a tunnel network to eliminate congestion. Equipment of The Boring Company, concept movie of magnetic rail tunnel moving at 200 km / h, and movies running on a magnetic rail tunnel at actual speed of 200 km are summarized in the following article.
"Boring Company" to eliminate traffic congestion in the underground tunnel releases vehicle image image and experiment facility photo - GIGAZINE
While the tunnel plan was gradually clarified in this way, it was not clear how far the tunnel construction actually progressed. Meanwhile, Ellon Mask said, "There is no need to wait for Godot already, drilling has already begun, the entrance to the tunnel has just been completed in Los Angeles," Tweet said. By the way "Godot" is an excavator weighing 1200 tons purchased by the company, playwright of playwright Samuel BeckettWait for GodotNamed after. However, in order to dig tunnels in the basement of Los Angeles, city permission is required, so this is seen as being declared underground in the parking lot of SpaceX.
No longer waiting for Godot. It has begun boring and just completed the first segment of tunnel in LA.
- Elon Musk (@ elonmusk)June 28, 2017
In addition, Mr. Mask mutually consulted with Mayor of Los Angeles and tweeted that "We have established a promise to build a tunnel network in the basement of Los Angeles in the future", and acquisition of permission as urban plan is progressing steadily pattern. However, Mr. Mask said that it is more difficult to obtain permission than technology development.
Promising conversations with@ MayorOfLArelated tunnel network that would carry cars, bikes & amp; pedestrians. Permits harder than technology.https://t.co/0dxrXBOOWy
- Elon Musk (@ elonmusk)June 18, 2017
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