Shared abandoned bicycles are becoming a social problem in China
Since bicycle sharing service in China appeared, there was constant demand, and the entering enterprises rushed. The Chinese government, which had not been able to anticipate the rapid growth so far, was delayed in response and quickly exceeded the demand of customers, resulting in oversupply, many companies failing. Also, customer manners seemed not to be good, and the bicycle was stolen or illegally dumped one after another. As a result, in the urban area of China, it became a social problem that developed into a situation where share bikes and illegally dumped bicycles, which are no longer used due to corporate collapse, overflow. Overseas MediaThe AtlanticSharing social issues in China We are disclosing the current situation of bicycles.
Bike Share Oversupply in China: Huge Piles of Abandoned and Broken Bicycles - The Atlantic
The following picture shows FujianXiamen CityIt is a mountain of bicycle sharing which is in vacant lot of. I do not know if it is broken or neglected One sharing bicycle is running before the mountain of the bicycle.
Xiamen City's share Men working in the mountains of bicycles. Because there is a possibility that the mountain of the bicycle may collapse, it is expected that it is a dangerous work next to it.
Shanghai'sHuangpu DistrictIn the parking lot of the vehicle management company located in, the shaked-out bicycle has been narrowed down. Is there space to park the car?
The following picture shows ZhejiangHangzhouThere are bicycles of various share service companies in the urban settlements. It will not be used again.
The following picture is a mountain of bicycle sharing which is located outside the Beijing repair shop. It is unknown whether these bicycles will be repaired or will be demolished.
This picture is a shared bike that was left in the bushes of Shanghai. After this, it is likely to be removed.
A lot of share bikes are left in the wasteland of Shanghai. If you decide to build somewhere else in this land, it will be expected that the burden of removal cost will increase.
The last picture is also in Shanghai, a lot of sharing bicycles are placed in places where it seems to be a vacant lot. It seems that it is cluttered, so it seems unlikely that it will be used as a bicycle in the future.
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