Major MCN unilaterally unlocks contracts with many creators due to changes in YouTube terms and conditions

byMasaki Tokutomi

The company that contracts with multiple creators and manages is called a multi-channel network (MCN). When MCN unilaterally released a contract with creators who are active on YouTube one after another in April 2018,PolygonIt reports.

YouTube networks drop thousands of creators as YouTube policy shifts - Polygon

MCN contracts with thousands of creators and instead of managing parts other than movie production, they get some of the income from advertisements and billing from their videos. For creators of movies, there is the advantage that you can leave troublesome parts of advertising revenue procedures and receipts to MCN. However, Polygon sees that some of the MCNs will not be able to work within a year.

Actually on April 5, 2018, Fullscreen stated that "a movie that you upload potentially could violate the rights of others, or to related laws and regulations such as YouTube's terms of service and YouTube's community guidelines We will inform you that the agreement with Fullscreen Inc. has ended because there is a possibility of violation "and he told Polygon that he had finished a contract with about 160 creators. Polygon asked Fullscreen to verify the mail, he said that he refused it.

Later, according to the e-mails Polygon got from the creators who were told the contract ended, "Because YouTube changed the partnership program and established more stringent content guidelines, MCN is being driven by the need to review the network Your channel will be deleted from MCN on April 11, it is regrettable, but your channel can not be maintained on our network. "

On the other hand, a creator withdrew from Fullscreen but was withdrawn, said, "I do not remember uploading a movie that violated YouTube's terms so far and I have asked Fullscreen many times why I became fired But I did not get a satisfactory answer, "he says angry against Polygon.

YouTube changed the contents of the partner program in January 2018 and clears the condition that "total replay time in the past 12 months is over 4000 hours" and "the number of channel registrants is over 1000" in order to monetize I indicated that necessary will come. With this new standard implemented since February 20, 2018, creators who are doing small-scale activities became difficult to earn money and the management of MCN with a large number of creators became strict against the background It is considered to be.

To earn on YouTube, it is necessary to satisfy 'Over 4000 hours of total replay time in the past 12 months', '1000 subscribers more than', and partner program change - GIGAZINE

Jason Argo, CEO of Social Blade dealing with various MCNs, said, "YouTube is showing a move to discontinue MCN anymore, it is just disbanding MCN before being forced from YouTube," I am talking.

However, there seemed to be some people who were skeptical about MCN's business model, Polygon's article says, "YouTube wants to negotiate directly with creators, should not have an extra layer called MCN." "MCN receives money from creators There is a lot of doubts as to whether it is worthwhile to just exploit it, and YouTube should remove MCN. "There are many comments that agree with YouTube's elimination of MCN.

in Web Service, Posted by log1i_yk