Direct flaked beef 100% I tried plenty of creamy avocado "Avocado Salsa Wapper" on Burger King at the Burger King

A vegetable such as 100% beef patty and plenty of avocado, plus spicy and spicy Mexican salsa sauce, together with "Baumey's hamburger" Wapper which is also synonymous with Burger KingAvocado Salsa Wapper"Appeared as a limited-time menu from April 13, 2018 (Friday). Avocado and salsa sauce "The strongest combination everIt is said to be eating and actually checking it.

Avocado Salsa Wapper and Avocado Salsa Wapper Jr - Burger King

I came to Burger King.

There is a banner in front of the store to inform you of the appearance of the new menu. I ordered an avocado salsa wiper immediately. Because I felt like eating with Gutsuri this time, I ordered a "great deal" (990 yen including tax), which is an avocado salsa wapper (single item: 640 yen including tax), M size drink and French fries became a set .

A set of avocado salsa wappers arrived in about 5 minutes.

Avocado salsa wapper stands like this. Tomatoes, avocados, cheddar cheese etc protrude from Sesamibans and colorful. You can see that plenty of ingredients are sandwiched.

Including Avocado Salsa Wapper "Wapper Collection"The hamburger is 5 inches in diameter (about 13 cm), and the iPhone 7 with a long side of 13.8 cm is arranged side by side like this.

You can see that the height is as thick as 7 cm.

Under the buns and lettuce plenty of mayonnaise was painted with sliced ​​tomatoes ......

Ring-shaped onion.

Below that, Mexican salsa sauce and avocados of zucchini and peppers based on tomatoes. And the cheddar cheese which I was troubled with and the beef patty with brown and brown are sandwiched.

Taking the wapper is heavy and heavy, I feel that the ingredients are plentifully sandwiched.

When eating, it is rich in variations of texture such as Sesamibans and lettuce, onion and tomato with solid texture. Beef patty is baked with direct flame, smoky and fragrant, and seasoning is modest so you can feel the original taste of beef. Avocado is creamy, but because there is not much texture, it is perfectly compatible with onion with shakyaki texture. The tomato which cuts at the shop is sweet and juicy, plenty of vegetables are contained, so the whole web is like a salad.

However, it is also good not to be too careful with the avocado and cheddar cheese, mayonnaise etc. Plenty mayonnaise plus rich but because its presence is strong, it is a bit disappointing to overwrite the flavor of other ingredients. Mexican salsa sauce does not feel much appetite or bitterness of apple juice contained, it is sour and increases appetite. One wiper was adequate for adult men.

Avocado salsa wapper is a menu for a limited time. Tax included at 640 yen separately, affordable set includes 990 yen including tax. For those who say that there are too many in the wapper, "Avocado Salsa Wapper Jr. (Jr.)" which made the size smaller and easier to eat is prepared, each item is 490 yen including tax, the set includes 840 yen including tax It is getting. For details of both menusOfficial sitePlease check it. In addition, until 19th April 2018 (Thursday), coupons available for Avocado Salsa Wapper 's affordable set of 100 yen cheaper order are being distributed on official Twitter.

in Tasting, Posted by darkhorse_log