Consumer advocacy group accuses Google as "YouTube is illegally collecting data on children"

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It has been revealed that a group of more than 20 consumer advocacy groups will jointly appeal against Google against YouTube, saying that YouTube is collecting contrary to the law, "data that children use YouTube" It was.

YouTube illegally collects data on children, say child protection groups | Technology | The Guardian

The group(PDF)AppealInside, YouTube collects personal information on children using the service to generate profits, and despite having a usage agreement that "It is not intended for children under 13 years of age", the child It is pointed out that we are doing data analysis and utilization targeted at.

In addition, in action, the action of YouTube was aimed at protecting the privacy of children onlineChildren's Online Privacy Protection Act(Children's Online Privacy Protection Act: COPPA). In this law, in order to protect the privacy of the child, "the publisher must post the child's privacy collection policy to the parent and obtain consent of the parent before collecting the personal information" "to the third party It must have a choice as to whether disclosure is possible ", and the group states that YouTube does not comply with this clause.

COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act) | SECOM Trust Systems' BCP (Business Continuity Plan) Terminology Dictionary

In law statements, COPPA is written as COPPR (Children's Online Privacy Protection Rules). In Japan, it is translated as "Children Online Privacy Protection Act".
In COPPA, when a commercial site collects personal information of children under the age of 12, it obliges the following things.

· Publishers must post their child's privacy collection policy to their parents and obtain parental consent before collecting personal information
· We have to choose options as to whether disclosure to third parties is possible

It also adds content that allows parents to access personal information of their children and to view and delete them.
In the background of COPPA, there are commercial purpose sites that collected personal information from minors, Internet related incidents involving children, and accidents increase.

YouTubeTerms of service"In either case, the service is not intended for use by children under the age of 13. If you are under the age of 13, please do not use the YouTube website, which is more suitable for you There are many other sites, so please consult with your parents whether the site is suitable for you. " However, YouTube actually said that children in the age of 13 were collecting their location information, terminal identification symbols, telephone numbers, etc. without parental consent while knowing that children under 13 also used the service It is supposed to be woken up.

Josh Gorin who is one of the organizations advancing this appeal and is the top of the consumer organization "Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood (CCFC)" which is engaged in activities to protect children from commercialism "For years we have abandoned our responsibilities to our children and their families by insisting that sites full of popular manga, children's songs and toys advertisements are not for children under the age of 13 "" Google has gained enormous benefits by distributing advertisements to children and must comply with COPPA, which is responsible for Google for illegal data collection and advertising practices We should do it. "


The group noted that YouTube is the most popular platform among children and 80% of children between the ages of 6 and 12 are using services. Google is implementing initiatives such as providing content suitable for children by releasing the application "YouTube Kids" specialized for children in 2015, but the group said that this is insufficient. Jeff Chester of Center for Digital Democracy, securing the democracy of digital media and acting for protection and expansion said, "Google is targeting people who are 13 years of age or older on YouTube I fooled people by false allegations and led the young man to a digital playground that was deliberately filled with advertisements.If like Facebookbook, Google is not protecting privacy, but enormous resources I have been concentrating on "I have severely criticized.

A YouTube spokesperson for this movement said, "We have not received a complaint yet, but protecting children and their families has always been a top priority and we have reviewed the complaint in detail, We evaluate whether there is something we can do to ensure that because YouTube is not for children, we invest heavily in the development of the YouTube Kids app and provide a specially designed alternative for children I am commenting "It is.

YouTube Kids

in Web Service, Posted by darkhorse_log