Researchers developed methods to remove carcinogens from smoked foods and improve taste
Most of the smoked foods contain trace amounts of carcinogenic substances. Therefore, Associate Professor Jane K. Parker of Raging University which studies eating and nutrition science studied a method to remove only carcinogens without damaging the taste of the smoked food, and made a zeolite filter attached to the exhaust pipe of a car I showed the idea of applying.
Smoked foods are tastier, less harmful with a tip from the auto industry - American Chemical Society
Smoked foods are tastier, less harmful with a tip from the auto industry - ScienceDaily
Zeolite (Zeolite) Filters are attached to the exhaust pipe of a car in order to reduce environmental pollution and may be used for air conditioners and vacuum cleaners, but there have been few examples used for foods in the past.
Science smoked foodsBesmokeEngineers cooperate with Associate Professor Parker and are carcinogenicPolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAH) from the smoke. PAH is a substance generated when consuming fuel, which is pointed out as causing heart disease as well as various types of cancer, and it is subject to regulation in the EU.
The filter developed by Associate Professor Parker and others is a kind of PAHBenzopyrene93% to remove it from the smoke. There are other methods to remove carcinogens from the smoke, but there is nothing that can meet the removal rate of filters developed by Associate Professor Parker et al. In addition, researchers smoked dried tomato flakes, coconut oil, water, etc. with smoke passed through the filter or smoke not permeable, then combined smoked tomatoes with cream cheese, cook chicken with smoked water etc. did. After having trained experts to discriminate the difference in taste, they were eaten, and the chicken with the filter was "Christmas hamIt feels a little like aroma, a rounded and balanced flavor ". On the other hand, it seems that smoked food without filter was expressed as "ashtray", "smoke smoked snugly" and so on.
ResearchersMass spectrometry, Two types of smoke were analyzed and it was found that not only carcinogens but also components with large molecular weight were removed by the filter. It seems that the removed chemical substance was more finished because it gave flavor and aroma strongly irritating to food.
Researchers are planning to investigate the mechanism by which filters selectively remove chemical substances as the next step. If we can understand the mechanism by which a compound with a large molecular weight is removed, it will be useful for improving the function of the zeolite filter.
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in Food, Posted by darkhorse_log