How to deal with the "dish-washing problem" greatly affects the relationship and sustainability of the couple

byG Morel

It has been announced that among women household chores, whether or not to satisfy the relationship with the partner is greatly affected by whether or not the "dish-washing" is shared with the partner. A woman who is in charge of dish-washing by herself seems to be less satisfied with the partner relationship and sexual activity.

CCF BRIEF: Not All Housework is Created Equal: Particular Housework Tasks and Couples' Relationship Quality | Council on Contemporary Families

Doing Dishes Is a Major Source of Relationship Tension - The Atlantic

According to a report scheduled to be announced soon to the Council of Contemporary Families (contemporary family council / CCF), the question "Who will wash the dishes?" Will greatly affect the length and soundness of human relations. In this report we conducted a survey of various household chores such as shopping, laundry, cleaning, etc. For women with a heterosexual relationship, sharing the responsibility of "washons" with partners is more important than other tasks It is written that I understood that. Women who mainly handle washing dishes by themselves have a tendency to explain that there is less satisfaction and conflicts with partners than in women who share or share dishwashing with partners, We have found that satisfaction with sex acts was also small. You can raise your happiness by sharing the task of dishwashing with your partner than any other housekeeping.


Dan Carlson, associate professor of sociology at the University of Utah who reported the report, said, "For sinks there is food that is outdated and damaged, dishwashing is a disgusting thing. In a house with an infant, a cup for children There is an unpleasant smell from milk that is condensed in. "" Also, unlike cooking and gardening, dish-washing is not very often praised. "

Carlson pointed out that the most popular "dish-washing" task among housework is easy to associate with women. Traditionally women are often responsible for housekeeping such as cleaning, washing and dishwashing, while men tend to be associated with tasks that are not very related to human dirt, such as lawn mowing, garbage disposal, car wash. Today, Mr. Carlson thinks that a woman who has been assigned a task to deal with dirt will feel "a work hated by people" was impressed.

In 1965, the time for men to do housework was around 2 hours per week, but today it is 4 hours per week, the time for men to dedicate housework doubles. According to the CCF report, from 1996 to 2006, the proportion of couples who share the dishwasher has increased from 16% to 29%. Carlson says that women going to a friend 's house and men' s partners washing the dishes will be more frustrated by a woman who is in charge of dish - washing.

A couple who is responsible for washing dishes shares tasks in the style of "cooking me, dish-washing you", "you are in charge of cooking, Tuesday is in charge of me", or in order to work together It will now function as a team. Also, "Washing is me, wiping is you", so you can clearly distinguish roles in dishwashing compared to other houseworks so you can work together in the kitchen at the same time, It may be helpful for improving human relations. Mr. Carlson sees that having regular work on work that requires team work can make you feel stronger about your relationship with partners.

bySoroush Karimi

in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log