Disposable tableware 'BIOTREM' that can be eaten and composted in just 30 days

In some cases, food may be provided in disposable containers made of paper or plastic at events etc. However, it can be eaten using wheat bran, which is the skin of wheat, because 'these materials take time to compost.' Tableware ' BIOTREM ' is made. It has been successful in obtaining funding from the European Fund and the European Regional Development Fund, and is attracting attention as an environmentally friendly disposable tableware.



You can see what kind of item BIOTREM is by looking at the following movie.

Edible Plates Made From Wheat-YouTube

A woman who bites into a dish and a dish.

Men are also gravely attached to dishes. You can feel a bit stiff.

It's also possible to break up a portion of the plate and scrape the salad instead of a spoon.

The raw material of this eatable plate is wheat bran. Spread the sawdust-like bran ...

Press at high pressure and high temperature.

When the machine goes up, sawdust turns into a plate.

BIOTREM is manufactured in Poland and is available for sale in Denmark, France, Romania, Italy, Benelux, Hungary, Norway, Malta, Sweden, England, Austria, and the United States at the time of writing.

I thought, 'Don't you get some fluid like bread when you put in the liquid?' But the movie also showed how the soup was poured into a plate.

Wheat bran can be broken down and composted in just 30 days. On the other hand, it is said that paper takes six months to compost and plastic takes hundreds of years. Because of the short time it takes to compost, it has been developed as an environmentally friendly item that turns into disposable dishes made of plastic and paper.

It is possible to make 10,000 plates from one ton of wheat bran.

Put the pizza on the plate and put it in the oven ......

You can bake it as it is.

Put it in a plate and cook it as it is.

The dish looks like this.

Around the plate and around the center can be put logos.

Because it overlaps well, it is convenient to carry. It seems to be active in the event in the outdoors.

Besides the dishes, knives and forks are also made.

Already produced on a commercial scale ...

It is sold in the following packages.

As of April 2, 2018, there are 28 cm, 24 cm, 20 cm plates, a 20 cm bowl, a 24 x 16 cm oval bowl, and cutlery.

According to the product page of the 28 cm plate , the plate is made of 100% wheat bran and is compatible with warm and cold foods with an absolute viscosity of up to 1731 millipascal seconds . You need to be aware that if you have food for a long time, the smell of bran will shift a little and that it does not support soft drinks, coffee, tea and instant drinks. Compatible with both ovens and microwaves. It is noted that if you have a hot meal, it should be served within 15 minutes of eating. On the other hand, the cutlery product page stated that 90% was polylactic acid and 10% was wheat bran. Cutlery is noted that it can not be submerged in liquid for more than 30 minutes up to a maximum temperature of 40 degrees, can not be used in a microwave oven, and can not be washed or reused.

There is no provision in Japan at the time of writing, but it is possible that it will be possible to ship to Japan, as it is foreseen that the project will start with Kickstarter, a cloud fund platform. If you register your e-mail address from the following page, you will be informed about Kickstarter's project information as soon as possible.

BIOTREM »Kickstarter Teaser

in Video,   Design,   Food, Posted by darkhorse_log