CEO announces "to link to Wikipedia" on YouTube's video on conspiracy theory

byNASA Goddard Space Flight Center

Conspiracy theoryIs the opinion that "behind the widely accepted events is the truth hidden in the public". The famous conspiracy theory includes "American simultaneous terrorist attacks conspiracy theory"Or"3rd party committeeAlthough there are, etc., YouTube announces that "To the movie about conspiracy theory put a link to Wikipedia" so as not to believe the conspiracy theory which is biased opinion.

YouTube will add information from Wikipedia to videos about conspiracies - The Verge

On 13th March 2018, you are CEO of YouTubeSusan WasickeeMr. announced that "We attach Wikipedia link to YouTube video with the theme of famous conspiracy theory". It is said that a link to Wikipedia called "Information Queue" can be provided to a movie that explains the conspiracy theory which can be discussed, thereby providing a viewpoint neutral to viewers.

Washikki said at a roundtable meeting held in Austin, "The lunar landing due to Apollo plan is a fake"Apollo planning conspiracy theory"And that" the airborne clouds are hazardous substances sprayed for some purpose "Chem Trail"For example, the information queue will be displayed as a text line with a link at the bottom of the movie," as an example of a movie. A list of conspiracy theories to which Wikipedia's comments are attached was also posted on WikipediaList of conspiracy theoriesIt is said that it is making it based on.

YouTube takes such measures for movies related to conspiracy theory, "YouTube has a movie of extreme tone that aims to earn a few rebirthsI am leavingBecause the criticism that has been received since the 2016 US presidential election. To make fake information difficult to diffuse search enginesImprovedBesides, by linking information of Wikipedia which can be said to be opposite, against the movie of conspiracy theory itself, we will provide a more neutral viewpoint to viewers.

Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia written by volunteer editors and sometimes inaccurate descriptions are sometimes written or arbitrary edits may be made for the purpose of defaming certain individuals In some cases college students are forbidden to cite in reports etc. However, in general, information on Wikipedia is mostly described from a neutral point of view, and it is supposed to be able to obtain opinions with less prejudice than sensational conspiracy theory.

byThomas Hawk

Washikki CEO did not reveal how much the list of conspiracy theories YouTube attaches to the information queue is. However, "I like the point that the" Information Queue "has extensibility.YouTube may increase the amount of text to be attached to a movie that is open to discussion in the future, We may also enlarge the list of movies with the information queue attached to, "said Washikki CEO and suggested that the information queue may have more information capacity.

The information queue is scheduled to appear in major conspiracy theorizing movies within the next few weeks.

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