In order to have good sex we need to get good sleep


When having problems with two things, "sleeping" and "sex" having the same thing as "doing on the bed", the causes of both are common in many cases, and stress is one of them. Mr. Laurie Mintz, a psychologist at the University of Florida and a sex educator & researcher, said that eliminating sleep deprivation would solve the sex problem and that solving the sex problem would bring about a better sleep , It states that they are mutually related.

Want better sex? Try getting better sleep

◆ The impact of sleep on women's sex
Mr. Mintz said "A Tired Woman's Guide to Passionate Sex(A guide for tired women to do passionate sex) "is because women are more susceptible to problems of sleep and sexual desire than men. And in particular, the reason for lack of female sexual desire is "to be tired and not sex".

According to Mr. Mintz,Recent research on university student womenThe woman who fell asleep for a long time knows that the interest for sex will increase the next day, and the probability of having sex for the next day just by sleeping for one hour is said to rise by 14%. Also, in the same study, association is recognized between sleeping for a longer time and the magnitude of sexual arousal.

In addition, postmenopausal women are more likely to feel a change in physical condition, but in postmenopausal women, the problem of sleeping is directly related to sexual problemsIt is known.

Sleep problems and sexual problems held by mothers are often caused by too much work or stress. Many mothers who work full-time while having children going to school are reported to be insomnia, but on the other hand mothers who work part-time or mothers who are not working outside may have problems with sleeping It is said. Regardless of how you work, mothers are more likely to have sleep problems and sexual problems from stress.

Of course, fathers are also fighting against stress, but lack of sleep resulting from stress leads to a decrease in sexuality is that more women than menIt has been shown in 2000 research. This is because stress sleep deprivation and stress is a stress hormoneCortisolTo promote release,testosteroneIt is considered to be one of the reasons to decrease. Testosterone works sexual desire in both men and women, but usually men are more secreted than females. Therefore, when cortisol decreases the amount of testosterone, symptoms of "libido" are seen more frequently in women.

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◆ The effect of sleep on male sex
However, there are research results that men also lack sexuality due to lack of sleep. Targeted young and healthy menIn researchIt has been confirmed that sleep deprivation lowers testosterone levels, and maleSleep apnea syndromeIs likely to lead to erectile dysfunction and decreased sexual functionIt is said.

◆ The effect of sex on sleep
While sleep affects sex, sex also affects sleep. Be a sexuality counselorIan KernerMr. said that if too little sex is done, she will get insomnia or become temperateExplain. After orgasm, the cortisol mentioned above decreases and relieves stressOxytocinWill increase. This reduction not only strengthens ties with partners but also results in better sleep.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log