What is an effective "reading letter" trick to nurture children's brains?

"Reading" reading picture books and books with children is known to have the effect of nurturing children's abilities and it is regarded as a valid method of early childhood education. Researchers in the United States reveal from research that methods of reading are effective even for young children 6 months old and how to do it more effectively.

For baby's brain to benefit, read the right books at the right time

Professor Lisa Scott who studies psychology at the University of Florida examined what kind of reactions the brain has in response to reading the book to young children. We already know that there is a high possibility that it will be effective to read many books in reading stories, but Professor Scott said that in this research, rather than the "volume" of the book, more effective reading I am trying to find out about "quality" of books to find out how to do it.

In the experiment, I read about a picture book in which a specific character appeared for a baby after 6 months of age and read it using a device called "electroencephalography (EEG)" with 128 sensors attached to my head. I measured the reaction of the baby.

We also examined what the baby is attracted to attention by using an eye tracking device.

After the electroencephalogram measurement at the time of reading, the baby of the subject was divided into three groups. A group (A group) was given a picture book developed by the story with a unique name (nickname) attached to all characters that appeared in picture books used in brain wave measurement. Another group (group B) was given the same content as that given to group A, and a picture book with a single name such as "Hitchel" was given to all the characters that appeared, for example. And no picture book was given to the remaining group (C group).

To the parents of the three groups, I asked the baby to read stories for 3 weeks using the picture book I brought back. Of course, as picture books were not given to C group, reading of picture books in which characters used in the experiment appeared is not done.

After 3 weeks, brains similar to the first brain were measured in all three babies, only babies in group A were more active in brain activities than in the previous time, attracting attention to the characters of picture books and individual I understood that I distinguish between the characters of. B group baby can not distinguish between individual characters despite reading the picture books that the same character appears, not to mention the C group's baby who was not given picture books, attention to the character That is why there was no change from last time.

From this experimental result, Professor Scott is effective in raising the cognitive ability to distinguish the difference between the fact that the baby has the ability to distinguish an object from the earliest six months after birth and the different use of "nickname" which distinguishes individual characters It was concluded. In other words, there are differences in the effect of raising children's ability depending on the type of picture books that you read.

Professor Scott believes that which books can be said to be of high quality will vary from baby to baby and may change according to the growth of the baby. So, a good quality book refers to a baby 's favorite book that shows pleasure or interest.

in Science, Posted by darkhorse_log