Pixar releases a new video clip "Incredible Family" sequel to CG animation movie "Mr. Incredibles"

A movie that depicts a super hero who was discontinued 15 years ago but is struggling to live as an ordinary person but regaining work as a hero and family ties "Mr. Incredibles"It is a sequel to" I decided to be released on August 1, 2018 "Incredible family"A new image of the movie was released. Tiza trailer published in November 2017 has attracted overwhelming attention that the number of views is 79 million times, and this video has also been played over 9 million times in 2 days from the release.

Incredible Family | Movie | Disney Official

Incredibles 2 - Olympics Sneak Peek - YouTube

Father Bob, Helen of the mother, eldest daughter Violet, daughter of the eldest son, Jack = jack of the second son, and all five members are par rakers of the superhero. When the incident occurs, you can come to the spot immediately.

However, it seems that Bob, a veteran hero, does not want to get close to children's sites, which are brand new heroes.

With Helen 's telescopic force, I will express himself to the work site on its own.

Helen who explains to children, "Superhero is illegal" ......

Dash rebels against "I want to fight the bad guys!"

Jack Jack imitating the appearance of that dash.

"Some people say they want to get in touch with you," Lucias best, who is also a friend of Bob and a hero "Frozen" who gave out his business card.

"They seemed to be talking about" qualities of the hero "

Bob who smiles with listening to this.

Winston Dever is taking a great attitude while saying, "I want them to help me so that superheroes can see the sun again."

The shiny red bike prepared.

However, what Winston wanted was an Iraqi girl, Helen. Bob looks like a shock.

Helen straddling the red motorcycle ran away to the other side of the waterfall.

Bob left behind is "to leave the children, do not worry," to take on the work of the family.

First of all I am going to study mathematics of dash ... ...

I do not seem to be very good at it.

"It's not like that, it's this way" taught by the dash ... ...

Bob who hits if it does not know the reason.

To this, the dash says, "I understood, I understand ..." and go round it.

I will read books to Jack = Jack, but it is Bob, but I fall asleep while reading ... ...

To be blown up and awakened.

Helen who is living in the hotel due to her activities as an Iraqi girl.

When one big thing happens in town ...

I rush to the scene. Thanks to Bob's taking care of the child at home as he can focus on hero activities.

"I must succeed," Bob appeals to Lucias. Were you tired from child rearing, hair is getting fuzzy and stubborn is also growing.

Inquiring about the success of the Irish Girl ... ...

"In other words, we can succeed," he stressed. In front of that, Jack-Jack's body began to shine ......

Teleport to another place.

Bob giving cookie to Jack = Jack.

Because I want the next, when you scold me that it's no good ...

It transformed into a figure like a demon and bit on Bob. Bob shakes off "Do not bite your father."

Edna of a world-famous designer close to the Par-family "do it firmly, I will speak to Bob that child care is a heroic deed."

Speaking of Jack = Jack, sneezing ......

Spit out the mouth ......

Lightning strikes ......

Finally launch the laser from the eyes. It is already a mess.

Repeat "Eddy firmly,"

Cute little laugh Jack = Jack. Will Bob see the trouble of Jack = Jack firmly while he is absent from Helen?

Disney Pixar's 20th feature length animated film "Incredible Family" will be released on Wednesday, August 1, 2018. In addition, in the specials video released on December 17, 2017, it is tightly condensed how much power Jack = Jack has.

"Incredible Family" Special News - YouTube

in Video,   Movie, Posted by darkhorse_log