A criminal who gained a new body in 250 years after death and chased after the mystery of attempted murder criminal is released trailer of SF action "Ortade carbon"

This article, originally posted in Japanese on 08:00 Jan 24, 2018, may contains some machine-translated parts.
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Drama based on the same name novel by Philip · K · Dick Award winning work "Altered carbonThe trailer of "Hello! It was caught as a criminal after being retired by a former soldier and was born in Sweden from the hero Takeshi Kovac which was given a new body after 250 years since deathJoel KinamanHowever, from the British-born Lawrence Bancroft who was the victim of the homicide attempted by Takeshi who revived TakeshiJames PurefoyIt plays.

Alternate · Carbon | Netflix (Netflix) Official website

The trailer of "Altered Carbon" can be confirmed from the following movie.

"Netflix original drama" Alternate Carbon "Worldwide simultaneous online streaming from February 2 (Fri)"

"Your body is not yours," the woman speaks.

Techniques for digitizing and preserving human minds have been established in the world of the 27th century as the stage, and if new bodies can be prepared, by replacing memory cards called "stacks" it is possible to obtain eternal life .

It appeared from a lukewarm liquid, a naked man with a ventilator.

A stack with consciousness preserved ......

Embed in the base of the head.

Then, the consciousness flows into the body where the stack is embedded ......

The man awoke.

A man who asks "How many years have you been sleeping?"

The woman answers "I'm 250 years old" and I will operate the tablet at hand. The name of the man who was reborn this time is Takeshi Kovac. Apparently a man on the right is Takeshi Kovac which was caught 250 years ago as a criminal, the man on the left seems to have been given the spirit of Takeshi Kovac this time.

Takeshi who is stunned by the answer of a certain way.

Apparently, the body of the new Takeshi seems to have been given by a person named Lawrence Bancroft, and Mr. Bancroft seems to have ownership of Takeshi.

It is said that Takeshi's body maintains neural structures and physical memory that are comparable to military personnel.

Mr. Takeuchi speaks to Mr. Bancroft.

It was Takeshi who said "I do not remember asking to return to this world" ... ...

Mr. Bancroft will ask Takeshi to solve the murder case.

To Takei asking "Whose?"

Bancroft answers "I am". Mr. Bancroft seems to intend to capture the criminal who murdered himself by bringing Takeshi back to life, after changing the spirit to the new body after being killed in the former body. Takeshi will investigate Mr. Bancroft's attempted murder case in exchange for his own freedom.

A woman who advances investigation of the incident with Takeshi.

It seems that the two have found new dead bodies newly.

Takeshi decides to catch the criminal.

Mr. Bancroft has lost 48 hours of memory before being killed and the investigation is difficult. In the first place, why is a man with financial resources can revive as much as you can, the question is that Mr. Bancroft was killed ... ....

Dubious characters appear one after another.

Sometimes the stage is the future, even to disguise ......

Using technology impossible in modern times.

An enemy-like man uses a mysterious gadget ......

Destroy the wall with one punch.

Takeshi often falls into danger while proceeding with the investigation.

Takeshi is an absolutely innocent pinch and says "It will be rude".

It is packed with powerful action scenes.

Apparently there seems to be a gentle conspiracy swirling in the shadow of Mr. Bancroft attempted murder.

As we proceed with the investigation, Takeshi will step into a more dangerous world.

Can Takeshi unravel the mystery and get freedom?

The original novel "Altered Carbon" has been translated under the title "Altered Carbon", and the synopsis is as follows.

Alternate · Carbon (top) | Richard Morgan, Taguchi Toshiki | book | mail order | Amazon

Twentieth century. Death is no longer eternal. Human beings are scattered on the galaxy planet and under tyranny of the United Nations. The human mind is digitized, recorded in a small memory stack and embedded in the headstone's beard. When the body decays and dies, the stack remains. A man who has money to maintain it and to buy the outside body gains eternal life. Only human beings who have destroyed a memory stack that has not backed up will have R · D (real death = true death). Criminals are only detained in the custody of the spirit, and physical bodies are sold out without financial strength.
The main character Takeshi Kovac was born and raised on a planet Northern and Harlan's World, a worker of Eastern European workers, and belonged to a special military diplomatic force "Envoy · Causes". It is a group of perfect soldiers who are highly trained and strengthened the nervous system. Takeshi had been sentenced to 170 years in custody after being discharged from Envoy and was supposed to have been in the cabin of Harlans World.
However, while he was in prison, he woke up in the form of a strange man. Takeshi's heart was sent here by transmission between planets and it was downloaded to this man's body. And this was the city of Bay City of Old Earth (Earth), the hometown of mankind. I called him here is the millionaires who have been living for hundreds of years, Lawrence Bancroft. Bancroft was found a few days ago when his head was burned and died. I owned a copy of the body clone and memory stack soon so I survived, but I had no memory of two days before I died. Although circumstantial evidence determined the police as suicide, Bancroft believed that he could not kill himself. Bankroft who wants to fill in the space of 48 hours has been recommended by my former superiors Rayleigh · Kawahara and I have asked for investigation. If you respond, you will get hundreds of thousands of dollars' honorarium and new body, you can return to Harlands World and receive pardon. Takeshi started investigating with a six-week term.

"Alternate carbon" will be exclusively delivered worldwide simultaneously at Netflix from February 2, 2018 (Friday).

in Video,   Movie, Posted by log1h_ik