Apple crashes when opening the URL in iOS · macOS Apple announces correspondence to "chaiOS" bug

byWilliam Iven

Simply opening the URL in the browser will freeze the iPhone or MacAbout the "chaiOS" bug named "Apple", I found that it is planned to make a correction to the weekend as well.

GitHub - iabem 97 / AppleCLCD - memleak: memleak bug (iOS 10 - 11)

iPhone 'chaiOS' bug can freeze your phone with a single link - The Verge

Software developer Abraham Masauri (@ cheesecakeufo) Found the "chaiOS" bug, when iMassage receives a URL of a website filled with hundreds of thousands of unnecessary characters in metadata as a text message, iOS and macOS stop responding or crash something like. In the case of macOS, there is a problem that loading will not end even if trying to access this URL in Safari.

The page in question has already been deleted by GitHub. Masuri is publishing the page as a demonstration in the sense that it informs Apple of the existence of the bug, and it announces that there is no plan to republish.

On the other hand, Masuri told me that before I got notice of the existence of a bug in Apple, my account was released on GitHub even though there are materials on iOS's jailbroken etc. I am tweeting about "I can not understand" about it.

Apple has announced that it will also fix bugs at the end of the week.

in Security, Posted by logc_nt