Antibodies to more than 35 types of poison were extracted from the body of a punk rocker who had been injected with snake venom for 25 years.
There is a person who has created antibodies against the poison in his body by continuously injecting his body with snake venom, which can lead to death in some cases, for 25 years. Now, bone marrow has been removed from this man's body, and more than 35 types of antibodies have been extracted.
Rock singer has been injecting himself with snake venom for 25 years | ScienceNordic
Steve Ludwin, who lives in the United States, has continued to behave in an insane manner. Mr. Ludwin, a 49-year-old man, is said to be a singer in a punk rock band.
Mr. Ludwin, who started injecting venom 25 years ago, has loved snakes since he was a boy.When he was 9 years old, he visited a snake park in Florida and was introduced to snakes by a certain person. I became interested in injecting myself with the poison.
That person is Bill Hurst, who is said to have been the first Westerner to inject himself with snake venom and attempt to create antibodies. Although it was a reckless attempt by Mr. Hearst, Mr. Ludwin also seems to have had feelings close to admiration for injecting poison and creating antibodies in the same way.
Eventually, Mr. Ludwin actually started injecting snake venom, and has continued to do so once a week for the past 25 years. I kept a snake at home and started injecting the venom that I collected regularly, diluted with water at first, but by gradually increasing the concentration and continuing to accustom the body to the venom, the body developed antibodies against the venom. It is said that he has been making . Mr. Ludwin keeps several kinds of snakes at his home, and while taking care of them by feeding them, he collects the venom in a small container. The situation is included in the following movie released by VICE.
One person who saw this movie was Dr. Brian Rose of the University of Copenhagen. Mr. Rose, who saw the academic value of this almost unique attempt in the world, contacted Mr. Ludwin. Afterwards, we invited Mr. Radwin to Copenhagen and first collected blood samples.
Mr. Rose collected the blood and tried to extract the antibodies contained therein. However, after confirming that it did not contain the B cells necessary for antibody production, Rose and the research team proposed that their next step be to remove some of the bone marrow from Radwin's body.
It seems that Mr. Ludwin was also reluctant to accept this proposal, and it took him several days to come up with an answer. However, due to Mr. Ludwin's courageous decision, the bone marrow was harvested as suggested, and the B cells were extracted and DNA and RNA were successfully isolated. After that, as a result of two years of work, Mr. Radwin's collection of antibodies 'Radwin Library' was completed.
Normally, for ethical reasons, horses are injected with the venom instead of humans in order to develop antibodies against snake venom. However, the human body may exhibit a rejection reaction to the antibodies or serum created in this way, and there have been cases where people have lost their lives due to the serum injected for detoxification. However, if antibodies are made in the same human body, there are very few negative effects, and Mr. Ludwin says that there are cases in which serum made in this way has actually saved lives.
'What he did and didn't die is almost miraculous,' Roese said of Radwin's actions. 'The University of Copenhagen completely recommends that others do something like this. Although he acknowledges the value of this, he points out that Mr. Ludwin's actions were exceptionally reckless and urges people to be careful.
In the future, they plan to first create a serum against poisons that can kill instantly based on the collected antibodies, and then work on developing antidotes for more general purposes. By the way, Mr. Ludwin says, ``My body is extremely healthy, and I sometimes look more than 10 years younger than my age.''
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