An astrophysicist who secretly infiltrated the ``Flat Earth Association,'' which claims the Earth is flat, reveals its inner workings.

In science, the existence of the ``Flat Earth Theory,'' which directly contradicts the idea that the Earth is round, is being talked about mainly in the United States. An astrophysicist infiltrates the association and tries to find out what kind of thinking the ``Flat Earth Association'' has, which completely ignores scientific evidence obtained from various facts and stubbornly advocates flatness. The contents that touched on the way of thinking are talked about.
Watch an astrophysicist explain what happened when he secretly infiltrated the Flat Earth Society
The person who infiltrated the Flat Earth Association as a member while hiding his true identity is Daniel Batchelder, an astrophysicist who published the book ' Astronomy Saves the World ' in January 2017, which describes the importance of scientific knowledge and education. . Mr. Batchelder, who infiltrated the association where the flat Earth theory was actually being discussed, found that there was actually very little talk about science, and that the topic was mainly about ``conspiracy theories.'' is revealed.

Batchelder, who is also a professor at Florida Institute of Technology, said there is a 'lack of basic math and physics knowledge that is important for developing critical thinking skills' within the Flat Earth Society. That's what he said. They do not talk about scientific theories, but instead use even pictures of the round Earth taken by satellites to explain flatness theory, and they share false information with each other for the sake of their internal beliefs. Batchelder said communication is taking place through real-time online discussions.

One example is the story about the height of the sun at a certain time. ``If you are a planarist living in New York and you call a planarist in Los Angeles who lives on the other side of the continent, and you ask him the current height of the sun, he will tell you that the Earth is flat.'' In order to prove it, one or the other must lie,'' he says, citing the inability of planarists to explain such a logically unavoidable situation.

Instead of discussing theoretical topics, planarists often argue that ``a conspiracy by a large, malicious group to distract people from the truth'' is being carried out for reasons that are difficult for the general public to understand. The theory is that Moreover, Batchelder reveals that the conspiracy theory is not only directed at the government, airlines, and the scientific community, but also against members of the Flat Earth Association.
Regarding this flat Earth theory, Mr. Batchelder says, ``There are people in this world who suddenly one day get this kind of ``inspiration'' about the structure of the universe.While sleeping at night or while taking a shower in the morning, The theory that they come up with is formed into a ``magical theory that explains the workings of the universe'' without basic scientific knowledge.''

In this way, Mr. Batchelder explains the inner workings of the Flat Earth Association from a scientific perspective, but even that may be lumped together as one of the 'conspiracy theories.' Mr. Batchelder quotes Daniel Dennett , an expert in fields such as the philosophy of science, who says, ``There is simply no way to politely tell someone, ``You are devoting your life to an illusion.'' He uses the phrase 'sen' to talk about the difficulty of changing people's thoughts.
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in Science, , Posted by darkhorse_log