Research results that "oil" that comes out during cooking helps the formation of clouds bringing cold


New research suggests that fatty acids released into the air when cooking oil products may help create clouds that bring cold.

Deep fat fryers may help form cooling clouds - BBC News

According to researchers, aliphatic molecules formed a complicated three-dimensional structure in the atmosphere (fine liquid present in the atmosphere), and it was made accordinglyaerosolIt will last longer than usual and will help to form a cloud that will provide a cooling effect to the climate.

Atmospheric aerosol is one of the fields of climate science with high uncertainty. Aerosol refers to the state where many solid or liquid microparticles are present in the gas, and there are various kinds ranging from dust in the Sahara to those caused by chemical reaction. Most of the aerosol has the characteristic of not reflecting sunlight but reflecting it. As a result, the cloud formed by the aerosol seems to rebound about one quarter of the solar energy into the universe.

Although it has been suggested that fatty acid molecules that are produced during cooking are related to aerosols in the atmosphere, this time it was investigated how the atmospheric liquid reacts with fatty acid molecules It seems to be the first time.


In the study, ultrasonic levitation was used to individually prepare fine particles of salt water and oleic acid, and these were analyzed using laser beam and X-ray. It seems that X-rays have played an important role to clarify the internal structure. Dr. Christian Fang of the University of Reading who participated in the study found that it can self-organize with fine particles of salt water and oleic acid, which means that salt water and oleic acid molecules can last longer in the atmosphere These self-organizing structures are so viscous that they behave like honey rather than waterdrops, which slows down the internal process as well. "

In addition, "Because they are resistant to oxidation, they exist in the atmosphere for a long time and help cloud formation". According to scientists, the number of fatty acid molecules in the air is relatively large, according to research published in 2016, it seems that about 10% of the fine particles present in the atmosphere of London are fatty acids. As the amount of fatty acids in the atmosphere increases, the amount of clouds reflecting the heat of the sun may increase.

"The complex structure of fatty acids we see is very similar to the structure produced by soap and water. It is very exciting that these reactions may be occurring in our overhead atmosphere. We are challenging to understand what the oil of the cuisine is doing around ourselves, "said Dr. Adam Squire, University of Bath.

byBen Chun

According to the research team, the existing atmospheric model can not explain the function of the three-dimensional structure in the aerosol at all. However, it is negative to the idea of ​​using cooking oil to stop the influence of global warming, and it is important to advance research on molecules collected from the atmosphere rather than that.

in Science,   Food, Posted by logu_ii