A person who reproduced the conversation of two Pikachu at Google Home and Amazon Echo appeared, also picked up overseas media

by Yoshikazu Takeda

Smart speaker with artificial intelligence (AI) "Google Home"When"Amazon Echo」Was released in Japan in October and November of 2017, respectively. According to the appearance of smart speakers, you can talk with that Pikachu "Pikachu Talk」Has been released in Japan, but the movie that I tried to talk with Pikachu using two smart speakers has become a hot topic.

You can tell what kind of application "Pikachu Talk" that you can talk with Pikachu in the first place by watching the following movie. Using the Smart Speaker Amazon Echo with Artificial Intelligence Alexa, it will look like this when speaking with Pikachu.

I tried talking with Pikachu at Amazon Echo - YouTube

You can talk with Pikachu in the same way in the Google Home version of the application. In this movie I am instructing Pikachu to use 10 volts.

"Pikachu Talk" Demo with Smart Speaker - AV Watch - YouTube

A movie containing a state that made Pikachu talk with each other using Amazon Echo corresponding to such Pikachu talk and Google Home is released. Pika pika "," Pikachu "" Pika "" Pikkapika "are pleasantly conversing with each other, but because the smart speaker does not tell me the contents of the conversation, what you are talking about is completely mysterious is.

Polygon of foreign news media reported such tweets, it also took up several media, and it is also becoming a little talked about overseas.

Please enjoy a chat between two Pikachu-speaking smart home devices - Polygon

Polygon says, "Pikachu talk has not much benefit, but it can be healed by listening to Pikachu's crying.The Japanese users who have both Amazon Echo and Google Home can use Pikachu talk best way I discovered and succeeded in having two conversations.There are two lovely movies that two powerful devices talking in Pikachu language "It is a pretty movie," as if two Pikachu talks Introducing movies. Also, I am evaluating that "I am adorable enough to consider introducing one of these home assistants to my house."

In addition, Mashable of foreign news media also said, "It is a bit difficult to understand the conversation, but two Digital Pikachu are undoubtedly attracting attractive conversations."

Two Pikachus have a delightful conversation thanks to smart home speakers

People who have two smart speakers at hand may want to taste differently healing by Pikachu by letting Pikachu talk with each other.

in Hardware,   Video,   Anime, Posted by logu_ii