Reason why ".io" domain should not be adopted in product version
byAndrew Malone
"Country code top level domain" is assigned to countries and regions of the world like ".jp" in Japan, ".us" in the United States, ".uk" in the UK. Depending on the country, this domain is treated as a product, and ". Io" is popular as causing image of "IO (Input / Output)" indicating input / output, but on the other hand, There is an opinion that it is better not to use it for products and services.
Why Stream Stopped Using. I Domain Names for Production Traffic
"Stream", a service that can create unique news feeds and activity streams, has used the .io domain as seen in the official website URL "", but on September 20, 2017 the system monitor Intermittent failures occurred with health checks. The domain name can not be resolved, and the service has become practically useless.
According to an engineer's investigation, record resolution failed on two of the six. Io name servers,False negativeIt was found that NXDOMAIN error (error when queried name was not found) is returned. Stream tried to inquire which is operating the network immediately, but the response time isOnly from 7 o'clock to 12 o'clock Monday to Friday. Moreover, the response methodPhone onlySo the health status of the service was not disclosed.
Actually, similar false negative NXDOMAIN error occurred in 2016, but this was also a problem on the name server side.
Steam canceled use of .io domain with core API in response to this "incident". Considering reliability, it is widely used like ".com" ". Net" ". Org"gTLD (Generic Top Level Domain)I conclude that it is the easiest way to use.
By the way, since the server management and monitoring tool "Mackerel" also uses the .io domain, it is said that alert false alarms of alive monitoring went out when io domain malfunctioned.
Occurrence of false alarm of Mackerel's alive monitoring accompanied by .io domain malfunction and its response to it - Mackerel Blog # mackerelio
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