Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said "iPhone X will become the first iPhone not to buy on the release date"
Founded Apple (formerly Apple Computer) with Steve JobsSteve · WozniakMr. said, "iPhone X will be the first iPhone not to buy on the release date," he said that he plans to cancel the purchase of iPhone X. Today's iPhone gathers attention as to why Mr. Wozniak purchased even in line with the release date through the iPhone X through the release date.
Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak: Not upgrading to iPhone X right away
Mr. Wozniak speaking "Do not buy iPhone X on release date" can check with the following movie.
Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Says He Will not Be Upgrading To The iPhone X Right Away | CNBC - YouTube
Business conferences in Las VegasMoney 2020Mr. Wozniak asked about iPhone X at the venue, "I'm thinking of waiting a minute, since I saw someone's iPhone X," I answered. Besides that, "I am already happy with iPhone 8 already, but for me iPhone 8 is the same as iPhone 7 and may be the same as iPhone 6," but I heard that evolution is poor from previous models I am also skipping a fierce joke against the iPhone 8 that tends to be evaluated.
Mr. Wozniak who did not clarify the definitive reason to see iPhone X. It seems that he is deeply interested in people like electric cars and automatic driving cars rather than smartphones, like the geeks of the nature.
In addition, "for some reason iPhone X will be the first iPhone not to buy on the release date," he said. Despite Apple's employee number 1, Mr. Wozniak who has enjoyed getting the iPhone in line with the Apple Store queue on the release date of the new iPhone seems not to be lined up for the iPhone X is.
"Well, since my wife is going to transfer to iPhone X, I will touch iPhone X itself immediately," Mr. Wozniak who eventually followed up with "Whether" for several reasons ", according to CNBC He says he said he was skeptical about the face authentication technology "Face ID" adopted by iPhone X.
IPhone X to be released on November 2, 2017 will start accepting reservations from 4:00 pm on Friday, October 27, 2017.
Buy iPhone X - Apple (Japan)
It will be sold on the release date in the Apple store without reservationIt is iPhone X of schedule,Production is difficult and only 201% of the plan is sold within 2017Information is also issued. Wozniak will not line up, but you may be able to queue up to the Apple store looking for short-selling iPhone X on the release date.
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