How has the social movement method changed due to the spread of dispatch services such as Uber and Lyft

ByMelies The Bunny

A dispatch service that allows you to call a car like a taxi using a smartphone application came to run around the city and until then it has been said that the way people traveling depend on private cars and public transportation has changed , Data that quantitatively statistics the situation did not exist so far. Meanwhile, the paper published by Institute of Transportation Studies (DTV) at the University of California, Davis shows for the first time the change due to the dispatch service as useful data, how it affects the entire traffic It is indicated whether it is.

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Service such as Uber used to be called "car sharing service" once, but it is quite different from the original meaning of car sharing that "one car is shared and shared by multiple people" In fact, it is a paid service of receiving usage fee and carrying passengers and carrying it. In English, it is said that it is called "Ride - Hailing Service" or simply the word "Uber" is becoming a general nominal, but in Japan the service has not spread so much yet, There is no situation that can be said. It may be said that expressing as "dispatch service" from the content that calls a car using a smartphone most closely matches the actual situation.

According to the researches of the research team, it is clear that the spread of dispatch services has led people to travel to the destination by public transportation, bicycle and walking less than before. In the urban area where the dispatch service is becoming a leg of many people, the following graph which summarizes the answer to the question "How can I move if Uber and Lyft can not be used?", "Drive by myself" or It is "to reduce opportunities to go out" by standing at the top by holding down the option of "to go sharing" and "walk". It is also interesting that the option of "using a taxi" is extremely low level of 1% of the whole.

In this way, although it is an American dispatch service that is getting established as a leg of people, the urban areas are beginning to have adverse effects due to their rise. One such example is the increase in the number of vehicles flowing into the city center, and consequently the problem of traffic congestion. Companies that provide vehicle dispatching services are categorized as "complementing conventional transportation" as a means of complementing conventional transportation, but in reality it is often the main means of transportation, resulting in an increase in traffic volume It seems that irony results can be said that being. In addition, one fact can be mentioned as an increase in carbon dioxide emissions due to an increase in cars.

There seems to be a trend of shifting from "car sharing" in the real sense to dispatch service. The car sharing service that shares the car in the price form like "30 minutes" has gained popularity, but the dispatch service is gaining popularity with the momentum exceeding this. The number of customers that the car sharing service took over 15 years was 2 million in North America and 5 million on a global scale, but the allocation service has been used by about 250 million users in the past 5 years It is clear that the result that it is.

It is also interesting that the customers who use each service are different. The model of people who used the car sharing service was a high education level, a person who is interested in the global environment, and it was about 1% of the population of the United States. One dispatch service is being used for a wider range of customers, and about half of those who used car sharing once are using the dispatch service. I also know that many people have been using the car sharing service to change accounts to transfer to the dispatch service.

ByNick Harris

In this way, it is made clear that the spread of dispatch service is changing social traffic with various aspects. It is not interesting to see such trends in the world, although it can not be realized if Japan is not so popular in dispatch services. The report also states that the following results are found out.

· 24% of those who use the dispatch service in urban areas use the service "every day" or "weekly"
· The top (37%) of the reasons for those who stopped private cars and used the dispatch service are "parking lot" problems
· The proportion of wealthy Americans using college graduates using dispatch services is twice as high as their low income level
· Of the former car sharing service users, 65% are using the dispatch service. More than half of them have terminated the membership of the car sharing service, 23% of whom have changed to dispatch service as a main reason, etc.

in Note,   Web Service,   Vehicle, Posted by darkhorse_log