Movie that reproduces Star Wars' Death Star with hologram is very popular

Game developer'skidachiSays Apple's AR platform "ARKit"(?) Fictional destructive weapon which appears in Star Wars seriesDeath StarIt is a popular movie that is retweeted more than 8000 times in less than two days from the release.

Although kidachi has released the hologram with its own Twitter account and it is not disclosed on what kind of platform it was created, the tweet has a hash tag "# ARKit", Apple's AR It seems that the platform ARKit is used.

Death star displayed in red hologram

When you move your hand after pinching the hologram with your finger, the hologram follows the movement of the hand.

Furthermore, when you move your hand like stroking the hologram, the hologram rotates on the spot on the spot.

Hologram can appear or disappear by palm upward.

Furthermore, if you try to wrap holograms with both hands, it seems that you can also zoom in and out.

According to Kidachi who is the creator, the device that will allow you to move your hands in the air that you reviewed in GIGAZINE in the past to operate your computer "Leap MotionI'm tracking motion with using.

in Video,   Movie, Posted by logu_ii