A gigantic robot "METHOD v2" which can also move both arms by walking with two legs

The Japanese-born robot "Kuratasu" and America-born "Eagle Prime" crash and decide sexRobot battle closer to holdingInside, the development of humanoid robots is also proceeding in Korea next door. Robot designed by SF mechanical designer "METHOD v 2"In addition to being able to walk on two legs with a human being caught in a cockpit, it has the performance that it can transmit the motion of a human arm to the arm of a robot as it is.

Driving An $ 8,000,000 Gigantic Mech Robot Suit | Translogic 221 - YouTube

Mr. Jonasone Buckley of automobile-related media "Autoblog" came to visit Korea's Seoul "HANKOOK MIRAE TECHNOLOGY"(MIRAE) company headquarters called.

And it was Mr. Yang Jing - Ho who is the representative of the company that came on Lamborghini.

What MIRAE is developing is a robot that can be maneuvered with a feeling like riding a car. If you step on the accelerator, you move forward, stop when you step on the brake, and if you move your hand, a robot is created that allows you to move the big arm as you think.

The whole picture of the robot "METHOD v2" looks something like this. With a total height of about 4 meters and a weight of 1.6 tons, it is possible to maneuver a human riding on the cockpit in the upper body part. It is a robot that can walk with two legs using six joints per leg.

The main body is equipped with 46 servo motors to drive each joint. It is 1000 times computation per second to control walking, and walking is possible at a speed of 1.6 km / h. It seems that the advance distance per step is 450 mm.

Move the body left and right to balance while taking a smooth movement METHOD v2. There is no appearance that the person riding in is so shaken.

And the two arms equipped on the upper body have the power to lift even heavy ones. It is also possible to lift a hanging person like this.

It is also possible to grab things with five fingers. Although it seems to be impossible at the moment that the power of small power can be applied, it seems that it is possible to add various equipment according to the purpose.

Mr. Yang says, "People who saw this robot for the first time have a scary feeling, but will be relieved in 10 minutes."

Designing METHOD v2 is the artist'sVitaly BulgarovMr. He has worked in movies such as "Robocop", "Transformers", "Terminator" and so on, and also to the mechanical design of "Ghost in the Shell" based on the Japanese "Ghost in the Shell" It is a person who has been involved.

METHOD v2 is a robot made with Mr. Bulgarov's design. Therefore, Mr. Yang and his team literally made all the designs from scratch.

In the back part, the power supply line is aligned with the Bissiri.

A carbon fiber made cockpit is placed on the lower body made of aluminum parts. It is possible to reduce the weight of the aircraft if all of them are made from carbon fiber, but there are also purposes for lowering the center of gravity by making the lower body in dare to enhance the stability.

Open the canopy ... ....

Mr. Buckley slips into the cockpit and tightens the belt. It is the start of test drive.

At the side of the robot, a computer monitor and a stagger engineer watch the movement.

Move the leg forward one step at a time and start walking METHOD v 2.46 Because the motors are controlling the movement in conjunction with each other, there is a pretty sound during walking.

And to move two arms. In the cockpit, we will maneuver through the arm in the ring attached to the arm.

Along with the movement of the arm, both arms of METHOD v2 also lifted. Although it is a huge arm, it seems to be able to move quickly unexpectedly.

The state of Mr. Buckley during the maneuvering.

Unexpectedly smiles seem to spill.

Movement of the arm up and down, moving like a punch, movement close to human movement is possible.

Mr. Yang says that we have received the inquiry that we want you to sell this robot, but first of all we are thinking about responding after proceeding with development to ensure safety. Mr. Yang asked "How much can you buy?" From Mr. Buckley, on the contrary, when asking "How much would you give out?" ...

Mr. Buckley said "Well, considering it as the same class as a high-end supercar ... ... $ 1.4 million (about 150 million yen)?"

"Then it was only about half of one hand," they were two people laughing back to Mr. Yang.

By the way, the title of this movie is "Driving An $ 8,000,000 Gigantic Mech Robot Suit". In other words, it seems that 8 million dollars (about 880 million yen) is a measure of a price.

in Hardware,   Ride,   Video, Posted by darkhorse_log