It is possible to automatically "blur" only on the face of a certain person on YouTube, it is insanely powerful

YouTube has been offering video processing tools since 2012 "Face blur processing"By strengthening the function, it has become possible to select only specific people and blur them.

YouTube Engineering and Developers Blog: Blur select faces with the updated Blur Faces tool

Originally the "blurring processing of the face" function was to automatically detect all the faces of people appearing in the image and blur them so that nobody knows. From February 2016, "custom blurring" function that tracks and blurs even when the object moves is also provided when the user selects the place to blur.

This time, with the enhancement of functions by YouTube "face blur processing" can now "blur a specific face" now. You can check the power of the following embedded video of tweet.

The list of people appearing in the movie is displayed on the left side.

When you hover over each face, information on where the face appears will also be displayed. When you select a person you want to blur ...

As you can see on the preview screen on the right, it got blurred. Men with red clothes on the right side of the image are not selected, so they are not blurred.

The screen switched and another person appeared, but I do not know who it is with blurring firmly.

In the scenes walking side by side, only the rightmost woman is blurred.

Here we change the check of the person who makes the blur.

As soon as the process was done, the women on the left were blurred this time and the women on the right were out of blur.

Since it does not guarantee the accuracy of 100%, it is said that the confirmation is done firmly in preview before the video is released.

in Web Service, Posted by logc_nt