The terminal "ADM 3 A" used for the development of the text editor "vi" had a key of "HERE IS" not present in modern keyboard


As UNIX editor "Emacs"That exists as a twinning"Vi"Is a developer of legendary skillsBill JoyIt was created by. Joy to the University of California, BerkeleyADM 3AI made improvements to the aircraft that introduced vi as the current form, but this keyboard of ADM 3 A has "not found in modern PC"HERE IS"The key was attached.

The HERE IS key | Dave Cheney

It was the developer Dave Cheney who came close to this mystery. Kelsey Hightower, a developer group, tweeted that "people who developed a MacBook Pro with a touch bar are not Vim users," as opposed to tweeting, "I'm sure that I grew up with the virtual keyboard of the iPhone and that Bret Victor replied, "Even vi developers also grew ESC keys on the current TAB key position, the keyboard to the left of Q," said ADT 3 A keyboard Post photos.

Paul Brousseau, developer who saw this image, asks "What is the key to" HERE IS "key? Mr. Cheney examined the mystery that it is just a nice distraction.

However, the answer was written in the manual of ADM3A. This is a manual page 28, explanation about the keyboard. In the QWERTY array, the numbers are aligned on the same as in the present day, but the fact that there is an Esc key instead of the Tab key next to Q is a big difference.

On page 29, it is explained that the "HERE IS" key is for sending an identification message with an answer back function. The answer back function is to press the HERE IS key or from the connected hostENQ (inquiry), It sends back an answer back message and the terminalHalf duplex modeWhen it is, it displays a message. In the 1970's, connected hosts were used in the mechanism that the terminal is still connecting, if it is continuing connection, it is used to confirm which terminal it is, and it does not exist on the current keyboard I am convinced.

By the way, in vi and its derivation (Vim etc.) you can use hjkl's 4 key to move the cursor, which is due to cursor movement being assigned to hjkl without cursor keys in ADM 3 A.

in Hardware, Posted by logc_nt