How much is cremation cost in America, where cremation is becoming mainstream?
In American movies, we often see burial scenes that buried the dead in a coffin, but in recent years in America the majority of people who cremated funeral have reached a majority. While cremation is becoming mainstream in the United States, many funeral companies do not state cremation expenses on the website and it is difficult to understand how much the market is, but cremation costs in the 40 major cities of the United States The data which investigated how much is set is announced.
How Much Does a Cremation Cost?
Over the centuries the culture of burial has continued, according to a survey by the National Funeral Director Association and the North American Cremation Association, the proportion of people choosing cremation in the American funeral by 2018 amounts to 51.6% It is a prospect. According to the North America Cremation Association, in states with high cremation rate, we know that there are many people who believe in religion without cultural burial and many non religious people. Also, unlike a cremation that requires only a few hundred dollars ($ 100 = about 11,000 yen) cremation, it is necessary to have a coffin that will cost thousands of dollars ($ 1,000 = about 110,000 yen) for burial It leads to reasons for choosing. It is said that it may be used to cover expenses for holding a funeral itself in a special place such as a mountaintop by using a coffay which was floated due to cremation.
Based on these circumstances, comparison sites of funeral companies ·PartingHas investigated the price of American cremation expenses, many funeral companies have not announced the cost of cremation on the web, the Federal Trade Commission also acknowledged that the funeral company tends to conceal funeral expenses It is said that. In a funeral company whose cost is unknown, it is a state where the formal amount of money is finally known by inquiring by e-mail or telephone, and it is said that the investigation was difficult.
Although it is an American cremation cost which could not be compared exactly by web alone, as a result of Parting's persistent investigation, it is the most basic service of cremation, performing cremation without doing a funeral "Direct Cremation Many of the ") had been set at a price of around 1000 dollars (about 110,000 yen). On the other hand, even in the same direct cremation, some funeral companies have set for more than $ 4000 (about 440,000 yen) depending on the location, and if you include additional services such as funeral services, you will claim over $ 9000 (about 99 million yen) It seems that the case could be confirmed.
Below is a graph showing the cost of direct cremation in the United States by the number of funerary companies, the fact that the funerals most directly set up as cremation expenses are between $ 1,000 and $ 2,000 (about 220,000 yen) The next largest number is between 2000 dollars and 3000 dollars (about 330,000 yen). In addition, some funeral companies have crematories on their own, but other funeral companies will provide services by borrowing cremations from other companies. Including a fee to borrow a crematorium will cost a lot, but there are many places where funeral service companies have not explained this fee, and it is difficult to compare by price alone.
In the 40 cities in the United States, the maximum price and the lowest price of direct cremation and the difference are listed as follows. The biggest gaps are in New York, the lowest price is $ 550 (about 60,000 yen), while the highest price is $ 12,500 (about 1.1 million yen), a difference of over 1 million yen is born You can see that. Second highest disparity in Washington, DC, the highest price is more than $ 7000 (about 770,000 yen), and if you do not carefully compare it, you will pay the difference as much as the heavens and the same cremation.
According to Parting, companies setting expensive prices do not pay much attention to additional services, but low-priced companies are more likely to offer additional services. An additional service is a cremation coffin which is thousands of dollars, and there are other funeral flowers and corpse's antiseptic treatment services and corpse keeping. The average amount of cremation directly in the US is 2057 dollars (about 230,000 yen), but the average cremation including the cost of additional services is said to be 3650 dollars (about 400 thousand yen). Also, it is known that the average cremation cost is highest in Connecticut state by state, Nevada state is the cheapest one.
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in Note, Posted by darkhorse_log