"Ikaro" which can check the recommended gear composition and the gear power effect for each Bukit of Splatoon 2

A service that allows you to register your favorite gear configuration and check the gear configuration recommended by other users is "Ikaro"is. We checked what bucket you use frequently in every gear configuration, check what effect each gear power has and how easy it is to attach easy gear power with gear brands per gear It is also a service that is perfect for Splatoon 2 users who can also check power and so I actually tried using it.

Ichaku: Supatoon 2 (Splatoon 2) recommendation gear composition search site

On the top page of Ikaro, there are two items of "Search for preferred gear composition" and "Register favorite gear composition" are displayed, but first, "Search for preferred gear composition" or "Gear configuration Click ".

Then a search box like the one shown below will be displayed and a screen on which you can narrow down the conditions with the buzz and tags and search the recommended gear configuration is displayed. If you click "Add gear power to condition" ... ...

You can narrow down the search conditions further, such as "gear composition where specific gear power is set more than the specified number" and so on.

However, at the time of article creation, only one gear configuration was registered.

Registered was "2 even human fast spinner", it was intended to realize the spinner's high-speed walking shoot by accumulating the opportunistic ink influence reduction and human speed. This page, together with the gear configuration, you can see the probability that the gears will match, the description of the gear composition, the bucket that matches the gear composition, the users who are registered as favorites, and comments from other users. Although Splatoon 2 has not yet been released, it is still in the stage where the information is complicated, but after a certain amount of time it will be easier for the spinner to say " It is likely that reference opinions such as "○ ○ gear power is essential" are gathered.

Next, register the gear composition by yourself. Click "Register Favorite Gear Configuration" on the top screen or click "Register Gear Configuration" at the top right of the screen.

To register the gear configuration, first input the name of the original gear configuration and then input the description of the configuration. Next, select the gear and gear power, set the bucket that fits the configuration, if you have the appropriate tag, enter it.

Lastly, if you link Twitter or Facebook account with Ikaro, registration of gear composition is completed.

If you link Twitter or Facebook account, your own user page will be created automatically on Ikaro. The user page can check the gear composition you posted and the gear configuration you registered as favorite.

Besides, from the "Buki" at the top of the screen, you can check the bucket list for each main / sub special.

For example, in the case of Main Weapon, Buki name, Sub / Special composition, Buki type etc. are displayed like this. There is space to display the range of each buki and the speed of fire, but because the service of Splatoon 2 has just started, the numerical value is not filled in at the time of article creation.

Select "Gear" from the top of the screen ......

The gear list can be checked. Gear is listed name, kind, rare degree, main power, brand, it is also possible to search by narrowing down by main power, rare degree, brand etc.

From 'Gear Power' ...

It is possible to check the effects of gear power and easy-to-install brands. If you click gear power, that gear power can also check the gear attached to the main power.

From "brand" ......

You can check easy attaching gear power and difficult gear power for each gear brand appearing in Splatoon 2. However, at the time of writing the article is difficult to attach gear power is blank.

In addition to "stage" ...

The stage appearing in Splatoon 2 is posted.

In addition, clicking "News" at the upper right of the screen ... ...

Splatoon related articles on the Internet are gathered together so you can check reviews and new information at once.

Although the service of Splatoon 2 has just started, it does not mean that I have all the information yet, but "I want a gear with this gear power attached to the main" or "What kind of gear power should be loaded on this bucket Ikaro is likely to be useful when there is a doubt "? It is obvious that as the number of users increases and the number of writes increases, it becomes obvious that it will become a service that can be used more, so if you have a recommended gear composition, please write to support Udemae improvement of the entire Splatoon 2 user by all means.

in Review,   Web Service,   Game, Posted by logu_ii